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As Yuji walked the halls, leaning on the walls for support, he didn't give a damn about the warrant right now. Afterall, learning that his friends are alive and well motivated him more to find you and stay by your side.

Yuji found himself going into wards he had no business in: the cancer ward, the ICU, and even labor and delivery.

Yuji sighed, feeling defeated in his search for you but he was determined. The boy got to the point where he couldn't walk anymore, painfully stiffening on the wall.

"What the hell?" he muttered to himself, hoping a nurse would come by. Luckily, he hoped at just the right time, seeing a nurse approach him.

"Excuse me, Ma'am.." Yuji called.

The woman's eyes widened slightly, but returned to their normal form. "Yes sir, do you need something?" she asked with a smile.

"Uhh.. do you have any wheelchairs nearby? I should've taken one but there weren't any around." Yuji started.

"I see. I can get you one, give me one second." she dashed, returning back a couple seconds later with a wheelchair. "If you want, I can take you where you need to go." she motioned for Yuji to sit.

He was skeptical, but sat anyway. "That'd be great if you don't mind, but I don't know where I'm going exactly. I'm looking for someone but I don't know where she is."

"I see. If you give me her name I can look her room number up for you." the nurse segments.

"Okay. Her name is (Y/n) Nanami." Yuji tells the nurse, turning around to look at her.

"Okay sir, I'll be right back." the nurse stated, keeping her composer. "It's him!" her thoughts rushed.

The nurse did look up (Y/n)'s room number to tell Yuji, but she also reported his location to the authorities that will be on their way.

"Alright sir, looks like she's in the phyc ward right now, I can let her know of a visitor, but she may not want to see anyone else right now." the woman began wheeling Yuji.

"That's fine. Does she have visitors?" Yuji questioned.

"Yes sir, her parents I believe."

"Shit!" Yuji panics. "Nanami's gonna kill me and Sukuna!"

Yuji groans in response, nervous to get there.

"Excuse me for prying but, you are Yuji Itadori aren't you?" the nurse questions.

"Yes.. why?" Yuji keeps his cool.

"Oh, I think I've seen you around. You've been here with Miss. Nanami for weeks haven't you? I just thought I heard your name a while ago and wanted to put a name to a face." the nurse tears down his suspicions.

"Oh okay, I guess."

In all honesty, she wasn't't lying. Yuji had become a hot topic around the hospital, everyone placing bets that he must be in love with whoever he stated with so much. Unfortunately, Yuji fit the description and now that there was a name to match, it made it even easier for Yuji to be deemed guilty. Afterall, looking for (Y/n) was considered suspicious for anyone who wasn't hospital staff.

As the woman approached the ward, a code blue was called, signaling death and she had to leave immediately.

"I'm sorry sir, you should be able to manage from here. She's the last door on the right, kinda tucked away by a wall." the woman spoke before sprinting away.

Yuji was confused and kind of concerned but brushed it off. "Okay (Y/n), I'm coming." Yuji mumbled, nervous.

As Yuji wheeled himself closer to (Y/n)'s room, he smelled a strong scent of blood. Being a Jujutsu sorcerer, he was extremely suspicious and cautious as he approached, getting up from the wheelchair to conceal the sound of him approaching even though it pained him.

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