Momo - Games

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Y/N pov

Tonight I was nervous, possibly more nervous than when I'm handing over a song I've written for an artist. Wondering if it will be a hit or will it flop and I get the blame.

Yes I am a celeb, but not in the spotlight, I've met a fair few musical artists in my time as a song writer and producer, Twice, stray kids, Somi just to name a couple. Right now I'm waiting backstage in the green room of a variety show, basically it's Blind dates, but celebrity version. Why did I sign up for this again? I don't want to embarass myself. Although I need to get back in the dating scene, why not do it on national TV. Good job Y/N.

*Knock knock*

"Come in." I shouted. An employee from the TV station poked his head in the door. "We are ready for you to come out onto the stage." He said politely. I took a deep breath, standing up, one last look in the mirror and patted down my clothes. I thought I look pretty good. I wanted to look presentable and attractive but not over board. I had on some skinny fitted black leather trousers with chunky style boot high heels. On my top half, a long sleeve semi see through patterned cropped blouse unbuttoned at the top, so my silver necklace with a small charm could be seen. My hair was down in natural waves and a natural looking make up.

Walking out of the room and heading to the stage, I began to hear the audience cheering and the host saying a few words. Almost time for me to be introduced, my palms were getting sweaty. Is it to late to back out?

Slightly faded out but I could still hear quite clearly what the TV show host was saying "Our next a wild sought after young song writer...... who works behind the scenes. You may know their name but not their face. They have wrote a lot of hits, which alot of you may know. Please welcome out our next guest!" The host said dramatically. The audience started clapping loudly as I walked out, bowing and waving to everyone, and when I turned towards the host I knew I had recognised his voice. None other than BamBam, a semi familiar face made me a bit more comfortable. Taking it all in, the set up was brightly coloured with a singular stool and next to it looked like 3 partitions. The audience could see who my potential dates were but I couldn't. Hence the name Blind dates. I placed myself on the stool as the spotlights beamed down on us, feeling the slight heat radiating from them. "Now then, I can't mention your name for obvious reasons as your 'dates' may know who your are or may even have met you. You will ask a series of questions to each date, they may potentially also ask you a question." Bambam explained handing me a mic, I was fairly familiar with the show. God I hope I have some good choices.

"OK, here I go." The audience grew quiet waiting for my first question, keeping it simple to start "To each date, what is your occupation?"

Date 1: "I'm an actress."
Date 2: "I am currently an idol."
Date 3: "I act in K-dramas."

Judging by the voices two female and one male. "it's only the first question, but number two's voice was cute." I said casually. The audience 'ooooed' at my statement. I need to relax though. "Alright, next question. what are you best known for? for example a skill or something along those lines. Also if I might add, I think its only fair I ask the same questions to all my potential dates and not person specific. I feel I get a better idea that way."

Date 1: "Let's see....I am definitely known for crying on demand, I get a lot of credit for creating emotional scenes."
Date 2: "I feel I will give alot away by saying this. My dancing has definitely got a reputation, but it's not my fault I'm amazing." Saying that last part in a joking way.
Date 3: "hahaha let's just say I'm known for not getting the girl."

At that the crowd laughed and I had a little chuckle too. Bambam interrupted after the laughter died down "so two questions down, are you drawn to a certain person yet?" I paused for a second "As of yet no one, but its early days. The next few questions I will definitely have my answer." I replied. "My third question is, how do you de stress after a bad day or a long day?"

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