Sana - Test drive

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As if it is 3 weeks until Christmas, atleast I'm organised 🙏.


Sifting through the barely held together cardboard boxes that held various items, Y/n was in the middle of redecorating the spare room of her 2 bedroom apartment. The second bedroom becoming essentialy a memorabilia/storage room.

With the painting done and sturdy shelves in place all that was left was to place all the possessions in their rightful spot. She was a little bit of a nerd but loved music to so there was a mix of music, gaming and TV show memorabilia.

Having only placed a few items down, her phone began ringing in her pocket. Halting her task she pulled it out reading the caller ID.

*'Energy ball sha'*

Swiping to answer it she smiled as she greeted the woman on the other end of the phone. "Hello pretty lady."

"Hi Y/n! You know that's getting old, I know you answer to all of us with that line."

Y/n nonchalantly shrugged her words off. "Why? I have to let you guys know everytime that my friends are pretty. Should I greet you all with a new line?......hmmm I need a different adjective."

She heard the delightful giggle from Sana. "You do you Y/n surprise me."

"Great I will start brainstorming."

"Shut up. Anyways I called to see if you wanted to come out tonight? It's Friday I know you don't have plans." Sana spoke in her persuasive and hard to turn down voice. Y/n glanced at the boxes, she wanted to get this room finished tonight, but Sana knows her well she bluntly called her out on her lack of plans.

"Bold of you to assume......." Y/n decides to play hard ball for a tiny bit. "I might have had a date I was getting ready for."

To rub salt in her wounds Sana snorted in disbelief. "Oh Y/n you are a comedian. Lying is a sin you know......."

Y/n had fully disregarded the boxes now, she knew she was now obligated to join them. She closed the door and began walking towards her bedroom with the phone by her ear. "Pheww......I wondered why it was getting hot in here. Oh wait. Its just me." Y/n playfully retorted.

"Tsk you narcissistic bitch. Don't make me call God to drag you into actual hell!" Sana threatened lightly.

"You wouldn't!?" Y/n said.

"You know she has a soft spot for me, one call Y/n and your sister comes running." Sana goaded chuckling evilly.

Now Y/n flopped herself on her back hitting the soft mattress. "Fine you win, I have nothing to do. I take it you need my services?" Y/n voiced expectantly.

Sana made a happy celebratery sound before she spoke again. "We do! We're going to a new place so could do with our get out of jail card."

Sana must have had her on speaker as another voice chimed into the call. "Y/n! Get your sexy ass out with us, come on!" The voice demanded and Y/n knew it was Nayeon.

"Relax woman! I was about to agree. Is it everyone?" Y/n answered chuckling.

"YAYY, THANK YOU Y/N. Yes it's everyone." The joyous woman replied and Y/n groaned.

"You are making me work double time."

"We will compensate you for your efforts." Nayeon again interjected.

"Yeah whatever, I will see you guys later." Y/n bid her goodbyes and other girls did the same.

Their friendship group was a strange dynamic, being a futch lesbian and her friends were all straight feminine woman. They had all naturally fell into this routine, her straight friends would want to hook up with men sometimes on a night out and if there was some iffy vibes or red flags from the guy who was chatting them up Y/n would come to the rescue in whatever way necessary.

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