Nayeon - Trauma

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(AN: Reference to PTSD and public shooting. Note no one dies)

It was a bright spring day and the mall was beginning to fill up, more so than on any given day. There was an event on today, the girl group TWICE were doing a signing event for lucky contestants that had won and ofcourse there was great excitement around the venue even for the people that dont have the opportunity to get up close and personal, it would still be great for the general population to see idols out in public.

There was a few extra on security today due to that reason Y/N being one of them, in the debrief running through the scenario and what was going to happen. It was a couple of hours before they were to come out, but security had to make sure the perimeter was safe and in place, with barriers and lanes etc.

The stage where twice would be was in the middle of a plaza on the ground floor, so people on the level above could see down onto them and gave more room for maneuvering fans below about. It wasn't long now before they were due to come out, Y/N got in her position which was next to the steps to the stage, in her black uniform, stab vest with a body cam on. Her job was to stop fans charging the stage and guide the dawdling fans that were on the stage down to keep the flow going. There was lots of murmurs and you could feel the tension.

Out of nowhere screams could be heard, very much an indication of the fact the group had appeared alongside what was some of their security or managers, making there way to the stage waving and bowing at adoring fans, all of them wearing smart casual outfits. Y/n knew who they were to a certain extent, the group of girls were very well known , she had never seen them in real life though and she was honestly in awe of how beautiful each and every one of them were.

All nine walked onto the stage taking their seats, their smiles so bright. The announcer took a mic and welcomed them, the event got underway smoothly and the fans loved every minute. Y/N kept peeking glances here and there, I mean why not it's not everyday you see beauty like that. She noticed how they really interact with each individual and genuinely looked like they wanted to be there.

With a 150 people to get through it seemed to go quicker than anticipated, each fan came off the stage with huge grins in their face. The end of the line was almost there some time had passed now, once the winners had gone through there was one more thing to come and that was a little dance performance by the group. Y/N observed the nine girls doing their performance, they were all so bubbly and she was even tapping her foot along to the music.

The girls all stood in a line and bowed as the announcer declared the event over, crowds began to dissipate slowly. At this point their group of security guards gathered closer to the stage while twice picked up their things and whatever gifts etc they got off fans. Some of them had made their way down with Y/Ns help as each of then thanked her, she didn't mind helping famous people if they were appreciative and humble these girls really seemed that way. It makes her job alot more bearable on days like these.

The last girl came down the steps trailing behind their managers, smiling brightly at Y/N with her cute round face and bunny teeth, Y/N tried hard not to blush. She went to walk off but swiveled back around jogging back up to the stage looking for something, rummaging around eventually finding what must be her phone. The rest of her group had just about gone through the private door from where they came out of earlier.

Suddenly there was piercing screams and seconds later gun shots, which sent a jolt through Y/Ns body. Shaking it off immediately, scanning around loads of civilians dispersed running in different directions, the gunshots were getting louder. Y/n quickly remembered the idol on the stage who had let out a high pitched scream and cowered down on the stage. If these are real guns she's a sitting duck, the guard quickly jumping into action ran onto the stage grabbing her and guiding her off.

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