Sana - Cheater

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*Knock knock*
Still a little sleepy, I drag my feet to the door and open it to find a serious looking Sana. "Morning Satang." I yawn out to my girlfriend happily.
"Can we talk?" She said without emotion ignoring my greeting. Those words are never good to hear, I sharply woke up when I heard the three words and nodded edging the door open further to allow her in.

Sana walked in, turned to me and cut right to the chase. "Are you cheating on me!?" She interrogated.


"WHAT!?" My eyes widened, I can't believe what I just heard come out her mouth, now I am one hundres percent alert. "Why would you say that?" I questioned back. Sana ran a hand through her locks uneasily. "Answer the question?" She probed agitated. I have never seen her like this, it was a little scary considering how bubbly and energetic she normally is. "Sana listen to me. I have not. Nor ever. Cheated. On you." I said with certainty. She just shook her head as a tear now rolled down her cheek. Alarmed I stepped forward to comfort her immediately, but she backed away and held her hand up to stop me.

Sana then reached for her phone in her pocket, unlocked it "Then please explain these....." She emotionally let out as she proceeded to show me multiple pictures and a video of myself and another man, getting very close and touchy. "Who sent you these!?" I spoke worriedly. It suddenly clicked. Oh dear god how do I explain this, she isn't going to believe a word I say. I have to try though. "It's irrelevant! Answer me!" Sana let out with a crack in her voice.

"Please believe me when I say, I can explain this. Its not what it looks like." I said slowly staying calm. She tutted and there was now anger amongst the sadness "How!? Please enlighten me how you are going to get out of this."
"LOOK, I was helping him out after you left my party. Some girls were all over him and wouldnt leave him alone so I pretended to be his girlfriend. Please Sana you have to believe me!" I pleaded.
"I don't buy it, you are both all over each other. That is such a cliche thing to say..... I'm done. We are done." She said firmly, but I could see she was crying. Sana walked back towards the door. Pulled it open and took one last look at me. "Sana NO, please. I didn't!" I was begging, but she stormed out and the door closed.

*present time*

I suddenly woke up startled, that dream again. Sighing and rubbing my face to help get me back to reality. I hate reliving that moment, what was supposed to be a time of celebration and a few rest days for my birthday turned into a nightmare and I lost the one person I cared most about. It has been a recurrent dream over the last few months since it happened. I had a feeling it might resurface, I'm almost ready for my comeback and my song is all about HER.

I met Sana at an award show about a year ago, we hit it off right away. She was part of a group, they were in their first year. She was chatty, flirty and engaging and found her whole personality addicting.

They are still currently in their rookie period right now. I had a couple of years on them, I was sat on the table next to them and helped them out, basically tried to make them feel as welcome and as comfortable as possible seen as they weren't used to everything yet and it went from there. As she was a rookie the dating was kind of a no go, but we worked around it and kept in hidden with the help of friends.

I had a schedule today MCing for a music show, before my comeback next week. I knew her group would be there as they were currently on promotion period. I haven't seen her in a while, I am still madly in love with her and I need to try and make things right.

Time skip*
I arrived at the broadcasting station, got all set up with my gear and went over my cue cards. While I was backstage I saw Sana's group Twice's rehearsal on the TV screen. My eyes just instantly drawn to her, I hope I can get her back. They were the last group to finish rehearsal and I went to head out to where I was supposed to be when it aired live. Walking through the corridor I saw the girls walking in a line in my direction. The other members of the group had been aware of our relationship at the time and supported despite the potential consequences. No doubt they all wanted to put a hex on me when they found out what they 'thought' I had done, somehow I needed to prove them all wrong.

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