Tzuyu - Playdates

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(AN. Sorry this took a while.)

Summer was coming to an end, it was almost time to go back to school for my final year. I wasn't looking forward to it particularly, just hoping the time would pass quickly so I can leave and head off to college.

There was only a few days relief left, I had spent most of the holidays hanging out with my two friends and trying to bond some more with the puppy we got, he was around 6 months old and still needed some training.

As he grew I could gradually take him out for longer walks and get him out to see the world. He is a miniature pinscher so he wouldn't grow much more, he was black and tan in colour.

I was making the most of the last few lovely days before I would then have to make time to walk him after school and studying.

"Hey Biscuit! Come here! It's walk time." I called for the pup and he quickly came scuttling along the laminate flooring and jumped up my legs in excitement. "Alright alright. DOWN. BISCUIT SIT." I commanded after a few tries he complied.

Handing him a treat. "Good boy." I praised him and bent down to put his collar and lead on then went on our way towards the park with a large pond in it.

We were walking nicely, he was beginning to understand the lead and how he should not pull. Ofcourse he is still young so he forgets or tries his luck.

It had been around fifteen minutes, he was good when he met people, he loved them and was always super friendly it was the same with other dogs except he would be a bit more boisterous and want to play.

As we were walking around the path of the large pond Biscuit caught sight of something, I'm not quite sure how it happened but he swiftly like houdini slipped his collar and ran off. "Oh shit....Biscuit wait!" I called out.

He ran so quick towards two dogs a little in the distance, taking in a gulp of air I ran after him. "Biscuit come here!"

I reached them in no time, by this point he was having a whale of a time with these two other small dogs. I couldn't see their owner however I was too pre occupied with trying to get a hold of my dog.

"Biscuit get here now!" I spoke aggravated and he briefly stopped his playing and managed to grab him putting the collar back on and letting out a sigh if relief. By the time I stood up a tall girl was standing near by. "Ahh are these your dogs? I'm sorry my dog slipped his collar somehow." I apologised embarassed.

"Yes and it's okay they looked like they were having fun. " The mysterious tall girl said I couldn't really see her face as she had a cap and face mask on, all i could see were the deep chocolate eyes.

"Yeah, he's still a puppy so he wants to play alot. He's still being trained." I explained while below me Biscuit was bouncing around still wanting to play with the dogs he just met who were also around his size.
"Ahh I see. Well he's cute, what's his name?" She asked.

"Oh thanks and his name is Biscuit. What are yours called?" I replied in a friendly tone.

"This one is Kaya." She pointed to the darker one. "And this is Butter." She then pointed to the cream coloured one. I nodded smiling they were cute and friendly dogs. "Theu can still play of you want?" She added after.

I pondered for a moment, I guess it would get some energy out of him and maybe these dogs can teach him some manners. "Sure if you are okay with it...." I returned and unclipped his leader and he bounded over to her pair, they continued where they left off. "He can't stay out too long, he has not finished growing yet." I told her, still unable to see what kind of expression she was holding but her voice and body language seemed friendly.

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