Chaeryeong - Overtime

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Hey peeps was meant to get this out before Christmas as it is festive themed, but oh well.


The bitter winter chill engulfed the streets, people bustling to get Christmas gifts for friends and loved ones. Some businesses winding down for the festive period while some got hectic because of it.

Y/ns relatively small media company was probably in the middle, some areas within the company could take it easier while other areas had to make sure their partners and customers were maintained. For example websites or software due to the flow of traffic online during this period.

The young CEO was working extra and staying late most of the time, more so since the start of December to try and help out her employees, further more get ahead of the curve so the closer it got to Christmas the less pressure came.

Y/n rented 2 floors in an high rise office block with vast office space, making the most of the floor plan. While the CEO had her own office, her secretary desk positioned outside her office. This then led to open plan office space divided into sections by moveable partitions per department. The company was steadily growing and gaining a solid reputation, so she hoped eventually she would move base to a bigger location.

She didn't want her employees to feel suffocated and unable to build relationships with the businesses other departments. Y/n wanted her staff to feel valued and supported in their roles, she didn't want to be that boss that was unapproachable or scary. The one that never showed face or palmed off work to her subordinates, no she wanted to muck in and lead by example.

It was around 6.30pm when she was heading for the exit, majority of the lights were out apart from a few scattered spots across the workspaces knowing a few were opting to stay late aswell.

Overall Y/n was an organised woman, she only had a couple of presents left to buy for her family, which she would be spending Christmas eve and Christmas day with. The two days would be spent at her parents house along with her younger sister and her boyfriend.

There was a few times the CEO stayed until the last one, the woman had very little commitments other than her work and that's why she was choosing to stay there beyond what was considered normal. If she had a pet or a partner ofcourse she would have that work life balance, so right now she is making the most of being free.

These next couple of weeks she was going to be staying until the bitter end, Monday when she went to leave she noticed one light on in a nearby row of desks. She didn't think anything of it, it was probably a one off maybe came in late today amd wanted to catch up.

However it happened the next day making Y/n frown, its not often anyone stays this late let alone two nights in a row. Making a note of it, the young CEO would go talk to her employee if it happened the third time to make sure everything is okay.

It was around 7.30pm on the Wednesday all the staff were long gone, yet the same area was lit up again. This time Y/n waltzed over into the marketing area, to see an employee she was semi familiar with.

"Hey...." Y/n called out leaning against one of the partitions.

The woman jumped in her chair, knocking over a couple of stationary items, before turning her head towards Y/n.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." Y/n apologised.

The woman held a hand to her chest calming down before chuckling quietly. " hi Miss L/n. Its okay...."

"It's Chaeryeong.....right?" Y/n asked unsurely hoping she was correct.

The young brunette nodded half smiling, she didn't think the CEO knew who she was having only been working here since the spring. "Yes it's Chaeryeong, is there something I can help you with?" She responded politely.

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