Momo - Defensive

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(AN: This is the last one I currently have written. Will write another one shot soon so there may be a gap.)

The two bodies sturred in the bed, the H/C girl fluttered her eyes open looking at the clock. Groaning at the time. Why does it always pass by so quickly? Turning back over softly shaking the woman lying asleep next to her. "Hey....Momo....wake up." The girl didn't budge. Ofcourse. Y/n thought, this girl she swears. Deciding to turn it up a notch by shaking her a bit more roughly, still no movement. Y/n then wrapped and arm around her from behind sliding it under her vest top caressing the soft skin meanwhile her mouth lowered to her neck going up over nibbling the sleeping girls earlobe. That seemed to get a reaction finally, the girl wriggled and sighed, but didn't wake. Y/N continued her actions some more. "Momo.....babe come on. Wake up." She tried again as her lips went back to her neck and cheek. "Y/n....." Momo groggily spoke.

At that Y/n stopped her movement, removing her hand and laid back on her back again. "Heyyy!......why did you stop....." a sassy Momo said then quickly rolled over with with a scowl. Y/n looked at the girl and chuckled. "Oh! I'm sorry! You didn't wake up the first time, so no you don't get any more." Y/n said sticking her tongue out, then proceeded to lift the bed covers off to get out. Momo did not allow it and grabbed her arm before she could go anywhere. "Y/nnnnn.....noooo come back." She whined and Y/n had a hard time resisting her cute act sighing in defeat facing her once more. "What is it Momo?" Y/n playfully asked folding her arms across her chest. Momo wasted no time taking a hold on Y/n face pulling her into a affectionate kiss. What a way to wake up in the morning. The kiss lasted only a few seconds, then they backed away. "Good morning love." Momo stated against Y/ns lips. "Morning my Momoring." Y/n replied warmly.

They eventually got up, showered and dressed. Then headed to the kitchen of the dorm, to find Sana and Nayeon already awake making breakfast.

So Y/N met Momo a little while back, she was on her variety show along with her girl group members of Twice. Y/n was hosting with a couple of others. The programme is essentially a talk show at heart, but it's based as if you were at school. Dressed in uniform, in a classroom with desks. The day Twice walked in Y/n was immediately enamored with the group, they were bubbly and polite to everyone however they roasted each other relentlessly. Some interactive questions were asked and whichever of the hosts got it right the member sat next to them. There was 5 hosts so some could double up or if they wanted, a seat at their own desk.

Anyways Y/n ended up sat next to Momo, she was timid and quiet with her. Y/n did notice she was much more outgoing with her members though. Y/N made it her mission to bring it out of her and make her super comfortable. The two were sat at the back, as the story goes she noticed Momo doodle every now and again when there wasn't much going on. Y/n being a bit of a doodler herself went into her desk and brought out a piece of paper which was also covered in drawings sliding it over to the Idol. Momo scanned it over and giggled, hearing the sweet sound Y/n was smitten immediately.

Discovering a shared interest Momo became more relaxed and both of them shared a bit of paper switching it back and forth throughout the programme adding drawings intermittently in between skits and questions. Towards the end of the schedule the two really hit it off, so much so her other members noticed she had opened up not to dissimilar to how she is with them. The end product of the artistic doodling which didn't go unnoticed due to the fact sometimes they had sat at the back literally giggling like school girls. Everyone was curious to what had been drawn, but everyone had to wait. At the end the two took a picture together holding up the pieces of paper, which got posted on SNS. They both kept one sheet however Y/n had subtely written her number on the back.

The rest is history, the Idol and the MC had now been dating for 8 months. It was a secret but it also wasn't, the rumours were there no one had confirmed or denied. People had seen them out in public but there was no PDA, however sometimes Y/n had been papped attending a few random things Twice would be at.

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