Chapter 1: Irritating the Senator

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Aloisia had lived at Tony mansion for a few months and was slowly adjusting. She liked working there, even if Tony got on her nerves multiple times a day. Pepper was lovely and she was so glad that Tony didn't need her help and it was Pepper instead. All Aloisia really had to do was follow Pepper around and make sure to be at the mansion when Pepper was or the building Pepper was in. Aloisia got to use the gym that Tony had which she was very appreciate of. Tony also gave her a very excessive wage, but he justified it by saying how Aloisia basically worked full time by living at the mansion too. She had to admit, Tony was a good employer, he allowed Aloisia full rein of the mansion and many opportunities to go out. She was allowed to use the labs when Tony was there and was given a phone and some headphones, curtesy of tony himself.

She enjoyed her time on earth, and had almost been on the planet for about 2 years now, Aloisia had turned 21, her birthday was a few months ago. She had tried to avoid telling anyone about her birthday but Tony found out and threw her a party, rambling about the big 21, and legal alcohol. Pepper managed to get him to tone it down, but it was still a big party. Aloisia had arrived on earth at 19, very close to 20, and met Pepper around then. Aloisia had also come to realise that earth scrutinies people based off their gender and who they liked. It was a strange thing to her. On her plant everyone could love anyone, they were not judged for something they could not control. It was made sure they were comfortable in themselves but Aloisia learned earth was not like that and people were very judgmental. She learned that to earth terms she was what was known as bisexual. On her plant no one was straight, gay or lesbian, bi. They just loved.

Tony was curious about his bodyguard/employee, he trusted her but not her story. He knew that her parents had died along with her brother but to him something just didn't add up. He just couldn't pin point what it was. He had managed to find her file but, he just had a gut feeling that something was off. He couldn't be more right. Aloisia had considered many times telling him who she truly was but she just couldn't find the right words, or the right time. Aloisia was so tired of lying but she just didn't know how to go about telling the truth.

Powerful and frustrated, Aloisia punched the bags in the gym, she was feeling to much and just couldn't put it into words. So instead it went into her punches. Fuelled by frustration, fears and grief Aloisia's strong emotions caused her fists to launch the punching bag across the room. The young woman froze, realising what she had done, she quickly regained movement and rushed to clean up her mess. After removing any evidence of her ever being in the room Aloisia fled.

Pepper had informed Aloisia that they had to go to D.C tomorrow for a meeting that Aloisia with a purpose Aloisia had forgotten. So of course Aloisia had picked an approximate outfit and been taken to D.C by Tony and Pepper. Tony really trusted the young woman with Pepper so Aloisia made sure to do her job properly, staying alert and dong her best to protect the woman from photographers, paparazzi and certain members of the public.

The meeting? Interview? Aloisia wasn't quite sure what it was. Well, whatever it was, was boring. Aloisia very much disliked being there.

Senator Stern as she found out he was called spoke "Mr Stark, could we pick up now where we left off? Mr Stark. Please"

Tony who was busy speaking to a stressed out looking Pepper and a very bored Aloisia turned around "yes dear?" He said. Pepper shook her head while Aloisia face palmed at the man.

"Can I have your attention?" Senator Stern asked, already sounding pissed off if you asked Aloisia.

"Absolutely" Tony replies

"Do you or do you not possess a specialised weapon?"

"I do not" Tony replied, answering the senators question. Seemingly giving an answer the senator didn't like. As the man proceeded to need conformation.

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