Chapter 2: War

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The controlled SHIELD personnel are gathering weapons and getting ready to leave the facility. Agent Hill watches in confusion. Unsure of what is going on. Aloisia spots her and tries to warn her but is too far away to shout anything. She doesn't want to distract Maria and give Loki a chance to kill her

Clint Pointing to Loki and his team says "Need these vehicles"

"Who's that?" Maria asks sceptically

"He didn't tell me"

Agent Hill eyes them suspiciously as they get into a truck and begin to drive away. Aloisia gets close enough but hears Fury speak so stays silent

"Hill, do you copy?" The connection is poor as Fury speaks into the radio.

Loki and his crew look back at Agent Hill. In the lab fury is pulling the bullet out of his vest.

"Barton is-"

Maria turns around and shoots Barton, who is already shooting at her, and they drive away while she takes cover, still firing at them. Aloisia joins, pulling on of her swords out and using it to deflect any bullets that fire in her direction. Protecting herself and Maria

Running out of the lab, holding his side. Fury shouts into the radio "He's got the Tesseract! Track it down!"

The energy discharge from the Tesseract is building up on the ceiling, rumbling and growing recklessly, destroying structures and cracking the walls.

Maria jumps into a Jeep and Aloisia gets in next to her Maria takes chase on Loki and crew as Aloisia sits in the passenger side. Several other trucks begin to attack Loki's truck as well, and Loki releases a blast of energy, obliterating SHIELD trucks and causing a blockage in the tunnel. Agent Hill is forced to keep distance on her pursuit.

Down below, Fury is racing against the clock as pipes burst around him. The walls are cracking, and the facility is suffering an internal earthquake. Coulson is grabbing cases, and trips down the stairs while the ground shudders. Others with him drop cases full of information and equipment.

"No! Leave it!" Coulson shouts They all leave the cases behind and leave the lab running.

Barton and Agent Hill are caught in a truck race, where she pulls in front of him to try and block him. He responds with firing at her at close range, which causes Agent Hill to shoot out her own windshield to try and hit him. Aloisia can only stand and watch. She would use her fire but doesn't want to hurt Clint.

Agent Coulson and his group take a Jeep and evacuate as well.

Coulson begins to speak into his radio  "You're clear, sir! You need to go!"

Fury runs across the tarmac to a helicopter. The ground gives way seconds after the helicopter leaves the ground, falling into a sinkhole.

Still racing down the tunnel, Agent Hill, Aloisia and Barton are locked in combat. A blast wave from the Tesseract causes the tunnel to collapse partially. One of Loki's trucks makes it out, but Maria's struck is trapped.

The Tesseract's energy cloud now shrinks into a small ball of white light, hovering in the air. In a flash of blue light, the facility is consumed along with its surroundings. Fury watches from below as a rapid build up into an implosion.

Several miles away, Agent Coulson's van jolts from the blastwave on the horizon behind them.

The entire facility implodes with terrifying magnitude, and the implosion rocks the ground.

Maria Hill is stuck along with Aloisia, her jeep behind as the full force of the blast tears down on the tunnel, covering herself by being inside of the jeep, light from the night spilling in close by.

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