Chapter 9: Ripped Sky

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Tony walks with Aloisia through the corridors of the helicarrier, the pair searching for some food. They manage to find some sort of kitchen area where Aloisia finds a bowl, some milk and some cereal. Tony finds a spoon for her to use. "I'm going to find Natasha, see you later Tony. Thank for the help, and the spoon" Aloisia says with a smile.

"Bye Al, I'm glad you're safe" Tony offers smiling at the young woman. Munching her cereal Aloisia wonders through the corridors of the helicarrier in search of Natasha. One of the agents had given her some directions but they weren't that helpful. Aloisia makes it to the corridor she knows Natasha is in but doesn't know which room she occupies. She hears Natasha talking with someone, struggling to make out who the second voice is Aloisia continues to check the many rooms that fill the corridor.

"Thanks. Tasha, how many agents?" She hears a man ask.

"Don't. Don't do that to yourself, Clint. This is Loki. This is monsters and magic and nothing we were ever trained for" Clint? Aloisia smiles to herself, Clint is safe and has his mind back.

"Loki, he got away?" Clint asks

"Yeah. I don't suppose you know where?"

"I didn't need to know. I didn't ask. He's gonna make his play soon though. Today"

"We gotta stop him" Natasha offers. Aloisia can hear them much clearer. Still munching her cereal she continues down the corridors, peeping through the windows and opening the doors without windows

"Yeah? Who's we?"

"I don't know. Whoever's left"

"Bloody hell why are there so many doors in the blasted corridor. I should have asked Fury where they were" Aloisia mutters to herself

"Well, if I put an arrow in Loki's eyesocket, I'd sleep better I suppose" Aloisia laughs at this

"Now you sound like you" Nat replies Aloisia can tell she's smiling.

"But you don't. You're a spy, not a soldier. Now you want to wade into a war. Why? What did Loki do to you?" Clint asks concerned. Aloisia wants to get into the room and hug Natasha but she just cant seem to find the right door. She tries looking through the windows of certain rooms that have them but still cant spot anyone.

"He didn't, I just..." Natasha starts but pauses

"Natasha." Clint whispers gently

"I've been compromised. I got red in my ledger. I'd like to wipe it out" Natasha finishes just as Aloisia finds the right door. Spotting the pair though the window she uses her card to get inside.

"Fuckin' finally" Aloisia mutters. "Hi!" She smiles brightly and waves, going over to hug Clint tightly. "There are so many god damn doors in this corridor. Took me ages to find the right one, and Clint i would love to see you put an arrow in loki's eye socket" Aloisia smiles brightly. Moving to sit in the empty chair and putting her cereal down.

Natasha takes in Aloisia tired appearance "what happened to you?" She asks.

"Well after the hulk was handled Loki blasted me out of the ship and i had to use my fire to get back into the ship but I crashed into some glass" Aloisia explains.

"You are going to be the death of me" Clint mutters.

"You're the one who tried to kill us" Al says, Clint laughs loudly at her comment, and Natasha cracks a smile. Aloisia turns to Natasha "hows the leg?" She asks.

"Better, thank you. I saw some of the fight with hulk, you're very good with your abilities" Natahsa compliments, she had seen Aloisia display her talent when fighting the Hulk in ways she hadn't been shown before. Al smiles in response.

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