Chapter 11: Close it

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Black widow, using the energy spears is taken off her feet by a soldier. She tiresomely takes it down by cutting its throat. She grabs the energy rifle and turns to attack. Cap stands there, holding his shield. She slumps back, tired. Aloisia makes her way over to the pair, silently asking Nat if she's okay. When Natasha nods, Aloisia smiles lightly.

"Captain, none of this is gonna mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal" Natasha says

"Our biggest guns couldn't touch it" Steve says, doubtfully

"Well, maybe it's not about guns" Nat offers gesturing the flying chariots

"You wanna get up there, you're gonna need a ride" Steve says

"I would offer but its risky and I could end up burning you" Aloisia explains, she doesn't want to risk nat safety

"I got a ride. I could use a lift though" Natasha says as she backs up giving herself a running start. Cap lifts and angles his shield

"Are you sure about this?" Steve asks. Aloisia realises what she is going to do and sighs to herself. Natasha put herself in dangers instead and risked her own safety without Aloisia's help.

"Yeah. It's gonna be fun" Nat says

"No, it wont be fun" Aloisia sigh but knows there is no talking nat out of it.

Natasha runs at Steve preparing herself, she runs up the side of a car and jumps on Caps shield. Steve gives her a boost with the shield pushing her up as she spins and grabs onto a flying chituari chariot. Steve and Aloisia smile proudly as Natasha climbs onto the chariot and cuts the turret shooter's linkage to it. She then jumps on the rider and sticks her knives into his nervous system. She gets him to bank over a building.

Aloisia and Steve remain on the ground fighting. the pair are slighting separated. Aloisia finds herself surrounded. After getting knocked to the floor Aloisia spins producing a powerful wave of fire with the momentum, as she does killing all the surrounding soldiers

 After getting knocked to the floor Aloisia spins producing a powerful wave of fire with the momentum, as she does killing all the surrounding soldiers

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Steve watches in awe at her ability. He didn't realise how powerful she was and takes a mental note never to get on her bad side knowing she could literally reduce him to ashes.

Iron man arrives behind Natasha and shoots any other chituari riders following her. He makes his way down to Steve and Al, who fight off more soldiers. Iron man points his hand boosters at Steve's shield. The energy comes off and Cap uses it as a lazar beam and takes down nearby chituari. Tony flies off attacking the chituari clambering up the side of a building.

From above them, Hawkeye sends down remaining arrows. He sends one across the street, taking down a chituari rider following Iron man.

Thor and hulk fight on top the back of the chituari leviathan, tearing apart and fighting soldiers. Hulk breaks off a massive Pearce of armou, sending crashing against the leviathans spine. Summoning all his strength Thor raises his hammer drawing lighting to it from all sides and hits the metal further into the chituari causing it to come crashing down.

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