Chapter 4: More Gods

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Natasha watches the skies, Aloisia next to her. The pair finding comfort in the other presence. Thunder crackles against the clouds, ripping through the silence.

"Said anything?" Fury asks through the coms.

"not a word" Natasha replies

"Must be using his right to remain silent" Al mutters, she had been further education on human cultures and laws. Natasha smiles at her comment, knowing she was the one who explained that to Aloisia.

Aloisia sits there staring at Loki, trying to get an idea of what is going on inside his head. Sometimes she really wishes she could read minds, it would help her out so much, in her opinion, she could find out who she can actually trust and who she should lock away forever and crush the key.

"Just get him here. We're low on time" Fury responds, breaking her thoughts apart, bringing Aloisia back to reality.

With Loki tied up and cuffed to his seat, Tony and Steve watch from a distance, whispering about the God "I don't like it" Steve says, turning to Tony. Aloisia listens in on the pair, agreeing with Steve, Lokis surrender is suspicious. For someone who wanted everyone to bow down to him to then just surrender when Tony pulls some missiles on him doesn't make much sense to Alosia. Loki claims to be a God, he could have done more than just put his arms up, Aloisia knows that, and she thinks Loki does too. But Aloisia has no idea what his next move is.

"What? Rock of Ages giving up so easily?" Tony teases

"I don't remember it being ever that easy. This guy packs a wallop" Steve mutters, truth to what he says. Tony ignores this too busy teasing the Captain.

"Still, you are pretty spry, for an older fellow. What's your thing? Pilates?" Tony asks

"What?" Steve asks confused, not only on the change in conversation, but what the Stark is talking about.

"It's like calisthenics. You might have missed a couple things, you know, during your time as a Capsicle" Steve looks to Tony at his comment, irritated but trying to remain somewhat professional.

"Fury didn't tell me he was calling you in"

"Yeah, there's a lot of things Fury doesn't tell you" Aloisia has to admit, Tony's not wrong on the part.

The thunder continues to roar as lightning nearly hits the jet, causing it to shake.

"Where's this coming from?" Natasha asks

"Have a guess" Aloisia mutters, she suspects it's actually something or someone else. Aloisia didn't think anyone would have heard but but when Natasha glares sternly at her she knows someone heard. Aloisia instead amends her statement, whispering "what do you want me to say?" She doesn't want to mention Thor if she is wrong because she knows she would have to explain a lot more. Natasha can't help but chuckle at her comment, she tries to remain stern but can't help it.

Loki peers out the window, a knowing and slightly apprehensive look on his face. 'That man knows something' Aloisia thinks 'oh, right, Thor's is his brother or something, he must know Thor's lightning. So it must be Thor'

"What's the matter? Scared of a little lightning?" Steve asks

"I'm not overly fond of what follows" Loki responds, Aloisia looks to him, knowing she is right.

outside a blinding light hits the jet, landing on top of it not lighting but a man. The man opens the ramp and grabs Loki by the throat and flies out. Steve and Tony are left dumbstruck, unsure of what to do and how to reacts. Tony puts his helmet back on, ready to leave.

"Now there's that guy" Tony mutters, knowing things got a little more complicated

"Another Asgardian?"

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