Chapter 10: Chitauri

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The group runs behind upside taxis. They look up and see Loki taking his band down the street and fires at the street in a chain of explosion cars are smashed and people are thrown around by bright flames, terrified people run from Loki, looking over their shoulders, coming straight at them Steve looks down the bridge and Aloisia uses her powers to calm the flames putting out their bright lights.

"Those people need assistance down there" Steve says

Chituari soldiers that have landed near them and begin firing at them. Natasha pulls both pistols and fires. Turns to Cap. "We got this. It's good. Go!" She shouts. Aloisia stands protectively around, her katana unsheathed and ready for use.

"You think you can hold them off?" Steve asks, turning to clint

"Captain" Clint begins, pressing the button on his bow that allows an arrow to be mechanically chosen "It would be my genuine pleasure"

Clint shoots an Arrow into the creature's head, gaining a few seconds for Steve as he falls down the bridge, followed by an explosion. Cap races over to the plaza, jumping over dozens of exploding cars. Clint runs over a bus full of people. From the windows, small children are held by their parents for Clint to pull them out to safety. He runs over to the jammed door and quickly opens it. People begin to run out. Nat shoots any chituari that enter her line of sight, Clint fires arrow into the ranks of the chituari, hitting his mark each time he shoots and Aloisia uses a combination of powerful fire blasts and her katana. Never seen fighting like this before Natasha and Clint are mesmerised. Her fire is rarely used but they can see it is a complete extension of her body.

Aloisia disappears into the shadow realm, reappearing again behind chituari members and swiftly piercing them with her katana. She repeats this process. Disappearing and reappearing.

"Just like Budapest all over again!" Natasha shouts to Clint.

"You and I remember Budapest very differently" Aloisia appears next to Clint as he speaks.

"What happened in Budapest?" She asks. An explosion cuts her off as she uses her fire to protect herself, Nat and Clint.

"You need to go, fly around" Clint offers. Aloisia nods, propelling herself into the air jets coming from her hands and feet as she flies.

The police continuously fire at the flying chariots. It's pretty pointless. A young runs over to his police Sargent.

"It's gonna be an hour before they can scramble the national guard" he says

"National Guard? Does the army know what's happening here?" His Sargent responds

"Do we?"

Steve jumps in front of them. They look up at this confusing man.

"I need men in these buildings. There are people inside that can run into the line of fire. You take them through the basement or through the subway. You keep them off the streets. I need a perimeter as far back as 39th." Steve orders

"Why the hell should I take orders from you?" The Sargent asks.

Suddenly, an explosion comes up from behind cap, an energy blast is blocked by his shield. Two chituari soldiers attack. The cops watch in shock as captain America fights them off with ease. As more chituari approach Aloisia lands, shooting a blast of fire at them all, Steve nods to her in thanks as she flies off again. The Sergeant turns to his officer.

"I need men in those buildings, lead the people down and away from the streets. I need a perimeter as far back as 39th." The police Sargent says, Aloisia catches it and laughs to herself as she flies off. Al finds herself subconsciously looking for Nat. She wants to make sure she is safe. Upon spotting her Al is entranced, Natasha's fighting is beautiful, technique perfected and precise. Attacks sharp and strong. Al breaks away from looking at the beautiful woman and spots Tony.

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