Chapter 3: Justin Hammer

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Tony, Pepper and Aloisia were heading to a location Aloisia wasn't quite sure of. Tony was going to some party thing, Aloisia didn't really care to know the details. Tony was currently, much to her displeasure, discussing Aloisia's love life.

"So, have you ever actually dated someone, because I have never, and I mean never seen you with anyone?" Tony said. ,

Pepper tried to intervene "Tony, she doesn't have to tell you if she doesn't wan-" yet tony cut her off.

"are you a virgin?" Tony asked.

"Tony, I have dated people, you just didn't know about it. And no, I am not a virgin. But you are a very obnoxious and nosy person, you know that right"

"Of course, its my personality at this point, Oh I have such a good idea. I could set you up on a date!" Tony exclaimed exited, proud of himself for the idea.

"Right, preferences. Men, women, both? Hah! Both at the same time!" Tony exclaims childishly, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Not having a threesome tony, But I am bisexual. Do what you will with that information" Aloisia replies.

"Tony you basically just forced her to come out" Pepper says, "proud of you though Al" Pepper smiles as she turned to Aloisia, Pepper was the part of the few Aloisia had allowed to call her 'Al' her brother, his boyfriend, and her parents were amongst those few too. Or they were anyway.

Aloisa smiled at the woman "pep, its alright. I don't exactly mind"

Tony did feel a little guilty so decided to apologise "Sorry Sia, proud of you too. More options" Tony said, wiggling his eyebrows once again and winking. Aloisia, along with Pepper just sighed.

"How about we end this conversation here, besides we have arrived" Pepper said, Aloisia was grateful that the conversation was done and she was free to move, long journeys were boring for her.

"You know, it's Europe. Whatever happens the next 20 minutes, just go with it" Tony said as he, Happy, pepper and Aloisia walked into the building

"Go with it? Go with what?" Pepper asked confused

"Mr Stark?" Natalie says as she walked into the room

"Hey" Tony says, Pepper frowns at his antics, but she can't exactly be that surprised, she has known Tony for a while now and he always does things like this.

"Hello. How was your flight?" Natalie replies

"It was excellent. Boy, it's nice to see you"

"We have one photographer from the ACM, if you don't mind. Okay?" Natalie says

"When did this happen?" Pepper asks, Aloisia rolls her eyes at Tony.

"What? You made me do it." Tony says, Aloisia sighs, Tony knows how to frustrate her and Pepper

"I made you do what?" Pepper asks, unsure.

"You quit. Smile. Look, right there. Stop acting constipated. Don't flare your nostrils." Tony replies, Aloisia slaps Tony on the back of the head, catching Natalie off guard slightly.

"Stop being such an ass, no one made you do anything, you are a big boy aren't you? You are responsible for all of you own actions. So calm down and be nice, Pepper has been generous enough to continue working with you for however many years. Get your act together a little" Aloisia snaps, her tone harsh and strong. Natalie is surprised. She didn't complete expect Aloisia to stand up to Tony in this way. Tony just nods shyly, slightly ashamed. Natalie also had to admit, Aloisia looked absolutely stunning.

"You are so predictable." Pepper says, incredibly irritated.

"That's the amazing thing." Tony smirks

"Absolute idiot" Aloisia mumbles

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