Chapter 4: Attacked

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Pepper and Aloisia are sat at a table just making more general conversation to pass the time. Aloisia glances at the TV near them and sees Tony getting into a racing car. "Oh shit" she mutters, Pepper catches her and looks to the TV too.

With wide eyes Pepper exclaims "Natalie. Natalie!"

"Yes, Ms Potts?" Natalie says once she arrived.

"What do you know about this?" Pepper asks

"This is the first that I have known of it" Natalie offers. Aloisia has began to get up, she begins to leave the room as she knew that she was leaving Pepper in safe hands. Aloisia has plans to search for a way to get onto the track. Or a private area. While walking she hears Natalie and Pepper still speaking

"This, this cannot happen" pepper says, quite stressed

"Absolutely. I understand. How can I help you?"

"Where's Happy? Wait, and where is Aloisia?" Pepper adds once looking around and noticing her friend is missing.

"He's waiting outside and I don't know where she went" Natalie responds, curious as to where the woman wondered to

"Okay, get him. I need Happy, Aloisia will be fine" Pepper says

"Right away"

"Tony's... You know, he... We're not competitive. You know what I mean?" Justin is talking to Christine as Aloisia walks past him.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, can you excuse me just one second?" Christine says

"Just read me what you wrote"

"I will. I will, after"

"Just read it back to me" Justin says, snapping slightly at the woman

"But I have to make one quick phone call" Christine says, shutting him down

"Where are you going?" Justin asks the woman as she begins to make he way out.

"This is great" Christine says, just trying to leave

"I've got some caviar coming" Justin says trying to keep there woman there.

Christine gets up and makes her way out after saying "This is great stuff. I'll be right back"

"Look! That's Stark" Someone shouts from near Hammer.

Pepper and Happy get into Happy's car as Aloisia manages to meet them, she didn't waste anytime in getting in the car "sorry for leaving pep, I didn't want to waste any time" Aloisia says

"Go, go" Pepper says to Happy before turning to Aloisia "it's fine, I get it"

"Hang on" Happy says as he Crashes through a barrier onto the track heading the opposite way to the race cars. Tony gets hit by Ivans electric whips and his car goes into the air, eventually landing Ivan heads forward. Another car gets hit, Tony struggled but gets out of the car.

"Give me the case" pepper says to Happy

"Here, take it" Happy says, giving it to her

"Where's the key?"

"It's in my pocket"

"Car!" Pepper screams as Happy swerves out the way.

Ivan slices more of Tony's car, but tony has already left. Tony comes up from behind him and whacks him around the head with a sheet of metal. The two fight and Tony is knocked on the floor Tony glances towards the dripping petrol. Ivan begins to swings the whips. Tony moves quickly out the way as Ivan hits petrol and the car bursts into flames. Happy appears he drives into Ivan pushing the man into the fence. Tony has managed to climb up the fence slightly to get out of the way.

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