Chapter 12: Peace

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Without hesitating, Natasha puts the sceptre into the power source so it makes contact with the Tesseract, and then quickly pulls the scepter out as the energy beam keeping the portal open runs out.

As the portal begins to close, Tony is seen lifelessly falling into it. he manages to get warped back to Earth right before the Supernova can reach the city and burn it any further

Back in Stark Tower, Black Widow smiles, and so does Cap down in Manhattan. Aloisia grins widely at the sight of the familiar red suit.

"Son of a gun..." Steve mutters breathless, yet Tony doesn't stop falling,

"He's not slowing down" Thor mutters starting to swing Mjölnir around, ready to fly off. But just as he was about to do it, Hulk appears and snags Iron Man out of the air, both crashing and sliding down a building. He then leaps off, and tanks the fall damage received from landing on the bridge and a car nearby.

He throws Iron Man off him as Thor and Cap run over to check on him.

Thor rips off Tony's helmet, while Cap continues to check his vitals, even though Tony has the thick suit on. They stand around, unsure if he is alive. The grin Aloisia held fades away in doubt. But then hulk roars loudly.

"What the hell?" Tony says, startling awake gasping

"What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me" Tony asks looking around at the faces looking at him.

"No pepper brought you back to life to kill you again" Aloisia jokes

"We won" Steve says smiling.

"Alright, yay! Hurray! Good job, guys Let's just not come in tomorrow...let's just...take a day. Have you ever tried shawarma? There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is, but I wanna try it." Tony says Aloisia helps him up.

"We can get shawarma, I'm starving. Last thing i ate was that cereal earlier" Al says "and if you died, pepper would kill you"

"I know she would, I think she is going to kill me" Tony mutters in response

"We're not finished yet" Thor looks up at Stark tower

"And then shawarma after" Tony says

Loki crawls onto the stair, looking very bruised and in pain. He takes a few breathers, senses someone is behind him. He turns to find the avengers staring at him, all their weapons drawn. Aloisia holds a katana in one hand and a bright burning ember in the other.

"If it's all the same to you. I'll have that drink now" Loki says, The hulk snorts at him

——— . ———

Once Loki has been securely locked up ready to be transported to Asgard once everything else has been sorted the Avengers are allowed to part ways. "I'm glad you're okay Tasha" Aloisia says turning to Natasha. Nat wraps Aloisia in a hug leaning her head on her shoulder.

"I'm glad you're alright too" Nat says smiling, breaking the hug.

"Lets get cleaned up. You're bleeding" Al offers, heading into her room of the helicarrier offering Nat to follow, which she does. It's a peaceful room with few belongings. Her phone and headphones rest on the draws next to her bed the lamp beside them on. A book is laid on the bed and a blanket is neatly folded next to it.

"You can shower if you want to, I have some spare towels. Let me properly clean your wound first" Aloisia offers.

"Alright, but its not that bad" Natasha says.

"Well it could get bad. Come here" Al grabs the med kit from her cupboard and carefully puts a little bit of rubbing alcohol on some cloth, gently pressing it against Natasha's forehead. Natasha doesn't flinch. Once Aloisia is happy Natasha's wounds are clean she puts the med kit away.

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