Chapter 2: On Your Left

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The sun manages to light the sky with hues of pink and orange settled along the skyline. Heavy grey clouds hang and the sun is yet to rise high enough to further light the sky. Aloisia and Steve run laps around the park, lapping another runner as they pass. Aloisia runs silently, music playing in one ear and the other free to hear Steve when needed. Aloisia runs ahead of Steve, being slightly faster than America's hero.

"On your left" Steve says as he passes the man the pair keep lapping. Aloisia smiles, though remaining silent.

The duo continue to jog, passing sam once again. Aloisia passes him first winking at him as she runs by. Steve passes him a minute later "On your left" he says again. Al chuckles as he replies

"Uh-huh, on my left. Got it."

Aloisia passes the man once again. She choices to remain silent to let Steve say his line once more. The sun slowly rises higher as the group run, its light brightening as time passes.

"Don't say it! Don't you say it!" Sam shouts when Steve gets closer

"On your left!" Steve says, Aloisia can image the smug grin on his face

"Come on!" He shouts, trying to catch up to Steve but only after a few seconds he's unable to carry on and slows down to rest.

Sam sits against a tree as Steve approaches, Aloisia decides to do some more laps instead to allow Steve to talk to him without her for a moment.

"Need a medic?" Steve asks grinning, the man laughs

"I need a new set of lungs. Dude, you just ran like 13 miles in 30 minutes"

"I guess I got a late start" Steve says

"Oh, really? You should be ashamed of yourself. You should take another lap" he pauses for a moment before "Did you just take it? I assumed you just took it"

"What unit you with?" Steve asks

"58, Pararescue. But now I'm working down at the VA." The man lifts his hand up

"Sam Wilson" he introduces Steve gives Sam a hand to stand

"Steve Rogers" he introduces

"Yeah I kind of put that together. Must have freaked you out coming home after the whole defrosting thing" Sam says

"It takes some getting used to. It's good to meet you, Sam" Steve says turning to leave, beginning to walk away

"It's your bed, right?" Sam asks

"What's that?"

"Your bed, it's too soft. When I was over there I'd sleep on the ground and use rock for pillows, like a caveman. Now I'm home, lying in my bed, and it's like..."

"Lying on a marshmallow. Feel like I'm gonna sink right to the floor" Sam smiles and nods his head. The two men understanding their experiences, familiar with war and conflict.

"How long?"

"Two tours" Silence consumes the pair momentarily

"You must miss the good old days, huh?" Sam starts the conversation once again

"Well, things aren't so bad. Food's a lot better, we used to boil everything. No polio is good. Internet, so helpful. I've been reading that a lot trying to catch up. I've also had people around me that have been great"

"Marvin Gaye, 1972, "Trouble Man" soundtrack. Everything you've missed jammed into one album" sam offers after thinking momentarily.

"I'll put it on the list" Steve says

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