Chapter 7: Numb

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The Avengers sit silently on the jet, everyone is absorbed in their thoughts. Clint pilots the jet as he is one of the few not affected by one of Wanda's visions. Steve sits a distant look in his eye, Thor paces around the jet while banner sits on the floor, a blanket wrapped around his torso. Tony glances to Al, the girl looks broken, so empty. She sits on a seat near Natasha. The women have been silently holding hands the whole journey, but Tony can see Aloisia's hands shaking, even the one Natasha is holding.

Tony notices the dead look on Aloisia's face, the guilt that seems to pull her away from reality and into her mind. He can tell she wants to be there for Natasha, who was also hit hard by her vision. Yet Aloisia seems distant. Tony wants to wrap her in his arms, to hug her and tell her everything is going to be fine and that it wasn't real. Yet he also has a feeling that what Aloisia saw could have been real, part of her past. Or what she deems to be her future.

Tony doesnt know what to do, he is stuck, he wants to help Aloisia, but he doesn't know what to say. He knows he could never understand the position she is in. Being foreign on a planet that is so far from your own. Aloisia's free hand was holding a ring around a chain. Her shaking hand grasped it tightly, Tony could tell it meant a lot to her, and had seen her wearing it before.

Maria breaks Tony's thoughts as she speaks "The news is loving you guys. Nobody else is. There's been no official call for Banner's arrest, but it's in the air"

"Stark Relief Foundation?"

"Already on the scene. How's the team?"

"Everyone's...we took a hit. We'll shake it off" Tony says, glancing to Aloisia once more.

"Well for now I'd stay in stealth mode, and stay away from here"

"So, run and hide?" Tony asked

"Until we can find Ultron, I don't have a lot else to offer"

"Neither do we" Tony ends the call and switches off the monitor; to Barton, who's flying the Quinjet "Hey, you wanna switch out?"

"No, I'm good. If you wanna get some kip, now's a good time, cause we're still a few hours out" Clint explained.

"A few hours from where?"

"A safe house" Clint said, he hoped that he could help Natasha and Aloisia as they both seemed to be hit the hardest from their visions

The Quinjet lands outside a large farmhouse and they all walk towards the house. Clint helps Natasha to walk, supporting her. Aloisia walks numbly, she seems complete disassociated from anything around her. Tony stands closely next to her, he is desperate to hug her, but isn't sure if that will help or just make Al uncomfortable

"What is this place?" Thor asked, he spares a concerned glance at Aloisia, he noticed how frozen she seemed on the jet and how anxious and upset she seemed now. The two had grown closer recently, with their missions with Hydra and finding the sceptre they had become a good pair. Both of them understanding one another in ways the other avengers couldn't, especially due to not being human. They both understood their travels around the galaxy and experiences. They also loves to spar against one another. Thor was definitely stronger but Aloisia held her own against him very well, managed to beat him every few fights. The God was proud to call her a friend.

"A safe house?" Tony said, still unsure.

"Let's hope" they all enter the house "Honey, I'm home" Clint says smiling. Barton's heavily pregnant wife, Laura, walks in from the kitchen

"Hi. Company. Sorry I didn't call ahead" Clint says

"Hey" Laura replies

Laura kisses Barton, as Tony turns to Thor "This is an agent of some kind"

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