Chapter 1: Lingering Memories

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Aloisia woke in a cold sweat once again. Her breaths shallow and fast, desperate to get some oxygen into her lungs. She put her head between her knees and tried counting her breaths. This happened much more often than Aloisia would like, she often found herself struggling to breathe, rapid images appearing in her mind. Events that have happened, events that could happen. It didn't matter, these images haunted Aloisia. She hid it to her best ability, to other peoples knowledge, nothing was wrong. Aloisia rested her head against her pillow once again, glancing at the clock. 2:53am. It was still early but Aloisia knew there was no way she was getting back to sleep.

Aloisia has had some trouble adjusting to the change in the world even years after the battle of New York, thats what people had started calling it. She was so scared to lose the people she cared about again. She loved many people on earth, in a way she didn't think she would be capable of again, yet it still happened. Aloisia had attempted to drift away, protect herself from caring, but it only made it worse. Aloisia couldn't be without the people she loved. No matter how hard she tried to distance herself.

So Aloisia had to let people back in, slowly. Tony and Pepper knew something was up when they found Aloisia just laying on the floor in the gym, eyes closed, sweaty from her previous workout. Aloisia had been lacking sleep that day, not having much for the whole week. She had just started to let people in and her nightmares and self doubt had been worse than ever. She had done an exhausting workout and laid down for a minute, only to fall asleep.

Buried deep inside a nightmare Aloisia was writhing on the floor, muttering incoherent sounds. Pepper had gone to search for Aloisia, wanting to ask her if she wanted lunch and found her. She called Tony to help. Tony managed to wake her but Aloisia was still terrified. She jumped up lifting her fist to punch and saw Tony. Her breathing was still rapid and her heartbeat pounding in her ears. She had staggered to her feet, tears slowly falling from her eyes and walked to the corner of the room. sliding down the wall and slowly regaining control over her breathing.

Tony and pepper stood watching, they didn't know what to do. Didn't realise their friend was struggling so much. Pepper eventually got closer and wrapped her arms around Aloisia, slowly and tentatively. Aloisia sobbed in the woman's arms.

"I think I'm broken Pepper, i cant sleep, i cant do anything without the overwhelming, crushing fear I'm going to lose everyone. I have tried everything to stop it but nothing has worked" Al muttered

"No one is broken, you are not alone in this Al. We are all scared, but we'll be okay" Pepper tried gently

"Al, we are here. I cant sleep either, every time my eyes close I'm back, helplessly floating in front of that ship" Tony muttered

"We will be okay" Pepper whispered

Tony and Pepper had helped her so much, Aloisia still struggled but the fear became less overwhelming and instead just a shadow. It still followed her, but didn't her little harm.

Al often found herself in the gym, either the one at shield or Tony's tower. It made her feel stronger, more prepared. Tony had given shield some weights that were denser and smaller. So for their size they were much heavier that usual weights. He had been asked to make them for Steve and Al, who were too strong for the normal equipment. Steve had also officially joined shield. Being tasked to go on missions when required.

Al worked so hard, and it had paid off, for two years she trained relentlessly. Her combat abilities, though brilliant before, were now better than perfect. She had perfected every single weapons a person could think to use. Wielding her fire, weapons, and shadows as one. She had mastered travelling through portals and quickly and efficiently as possible to use them in a fight. Aloisia had practiced repeatedly until she was completely confident in her abilities.

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