Chapter 10: Drone Fight

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Tony taps Rhodey's helmet as the system restarts. Aloisia runs in their direction ready for a fight, holding one of her many swords.

"Rhodes? Snap out of it buddy. I need you. They're coming. Come on, let's roll. Get up" Tony says

Rhodeys helmet opens up as he says "Oh, man. You can have your suit back"

"You okay?"

"Yeah, thanks. Tony, look, I'm sorry, okay?"

"Don't be"

"No. I should have trusted you more"

"I'm the one who put you in this position. Forget it" Tony offers

"No. It's your fault. I just wanted to say I'm sorry"

"Thank you. That's all I wanted to hear. Partner. They're coming in hot, any second. What's the play?"

"Well, we want to take the high ground, okay? So let's put the biggest gun up on that ridge" Rhodey says going to walk there

"Got you. Where do you want to be?" Tony says, also heading in that direction.

"Oh my god" Aloisia mutters

"Where are you going?" Rhodey asks Tony

"What're you talking about?"

"I meant me" Rhodey says

"You have a big gun. You are not the big gun"

"Tony, don't be jealous" Rhodey says, grinning. He thinks his suit is really cool and more weaponised than Tony's

"No. It's subtle all the bells and whistles" Tony says sarcastically.

"Boys be quiet, my god. Rhodey we know Tony could make his suit have more weapons and Tony Rhodey's suit may have more weapons than yours at the moment only because that is how it's specifically designed. As a weapon. Now can we move on?" Aloisia asks.

"Yeah. It's called being a badass" Rhodey says, ignoring her

"Fine. All right. You go up to. I'll draw them in" Tony gives in, taking Aloisia's advice

"Thank you Tony" Aloisia says smiling. Tony had to admit, she was a mature twenty year old who knew what she was doing.

"Don't stay down here. This is the worst place to be" Rhodey said

"Okay, you got a spot. Where's mine?" Tony asked

"It's the kill box, Tony. Okay This is where you go to die" the Drones arrive, Tony, Aloisia and Rhodey are pinned in the 'kill box' Aloisia smiles as Tony and Rhodey put their Helmets down. Shooting begins. Aloisia is taking as many bots on as she can with her sword. She had decide not to use her fire as it could be dangerous with so many civilians around and she knows that her fire would bring her attention that she doesn't want. Tony and Rhodey where dealing with the other half of the bots

"See that?" Tony says referring to what he just did

"Yeah, yeah. Nice" Rhodey says.

"Rhodey? Get down" Tony says as a lazar beam slices some robots in half along with some trees.

"Wow. I think you should lead with that next time" Rhodey says.

"Yeah. Sorry boss. I can only use it one. It's a one-off." Tony justifies

Inside the expo Justin is talking with Pepper as police officers enter the room.

"I told you that five minutes ago" Justin says

"That's your guy here" pepper says turning to the police who entered.

"Excuse me?" Justin asks

"You're being placed under arrest" A police officer states.

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