Chapter 2: Natalie Rushman

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It had been only a couple of days since the senator meeting and Aloisia could tell that something was up with Tony. Yet she didn't want to bother him, but at the same time was concerned. It was a proper dilemma for her. Ultimately she let the concerned side of her take over and went down to Tony's lab to ask him about it. Only to find him with a very burned and ruined metal core she knew. Tony was poisoning himself. Even if she had only known tony for a few months she really cared for the man. He had shown her the fatherly love she had missed for her 6 years travelling. No one could replace her real dad but she needed someone, Tony had placed himself into the role perfectly.

"Tony" Aloisia whispered gently. Tony turned around quickly, ending his conversation with JARVIS.

"Aloisia" he replied gently "I'm-" he began only to be cut of by Aloisia.

"You, you're—. No, oh Tony" she said. She couldn't do this again. She just couldn't.

"No it's fine, I'm thinking of a solution and it will be sorted. Don't worry. I knew you cared for me" Tony teased. A small smile made its way onto Aloisia's face, Tony reciprocated, smiling back, though it was a little bit like a smirk.

Pepper entered the room after a few minuted of gentle silence and Tony tinkering with his machines and other items. The pair started arguing, Aloisia didn't really care to listen so she left the room quickly, offering Tony a smile and small wave.

Aloisia occupied herself in the living, listing to her music through her headphones. She was playing some stupid game to pass the time. Getting bored Aloisia deleted the game and decided to just listen to her music. Pepper came into the room smiling brightly. Aloisia genuinely had no idea why, she couldn't even guess really.

"Tony is making me CEO!" Pepper exclaimed, smiling brightly. Aloisia's jaw dropped.

"Really! That amazing. Honestly when i first arrived you definitely seemed to be more of a CEO than Tony. He isn't exactly the most organised person and he also kinda, well he would much rather do anything else than work. To put it nicely" Aloisia stated. Pepper smiled and brought Aloisia into a hug. Aloisia reciprocated. Smiling into pepper's shoulder. The women eventually broker their hug as Pepper went off to continue with her duties, courtesy of Pepper, Aloisia had been told how much paperwork it takes to give someone else an entire company.

Happy, Tony, Aloisia and Pepper were in one of Tony's rooms. Happy and Tony were boxing while Pepper was sorting some files, Aloisia was watching Tony and Happy amused. Their boxing was quite chaotic and Aloisia enjoyed watching the pair try to beat one another. Hearing the gentle taps of heels on the floor Aloisia turned around. She was met with a beautiful woman. With Vibrant green eyes, beautiful shimmering red hair and a sense of elegance yet strength illuminated from the woman. Aloisia smiled gently at the unnamed woman. She was truly beautiful.

Tony and Happy were ogling the woman as Aloisia turned away, not wanting to be staring for too long, it seemed Happy and Tony didn't really care so contained to watched the woman as she walked over to Pepper.

"I promise this is the only time I will ask you to sign over your company." Pepper tells Tony, Aloisia's eyes meet the woman's as they glance towards each other at same time. Aloisia's deep mysterious grey eyes met The unknown women's gentle, yet vibrant green ones. A light blush rising, they both turned away.

"I need you to initial each box" the woman spoke 'she has a beautiful voice' Aloisia thought. This woman was enchanting, a powerful siren that loured you in until all you could think about was her, just her. A woman so beautiful that her power is hidden, or the people loured by her charms are just to blind to see the strength and capabilities of this beautiful woman. Aloisia knew she was strong as soon as she walked into the room. She was confident, she knew her strength, and she knew she could handle herself. She was a fighter, someone who knew what it meant to have to struggle to live. Aloisia could just tell.

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