Chapter 8

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We turned to the person and it was Thando.

Thando: I'm sorry to ruin whatever that was happening here but we are about to go to the stage.

Me: the stage? Why?

Thando: we're going to perform

Me: ahhhh! which song?

Thando: Body party!!

I jumped out of Caleb's hold but before I could go he held my hand and I stopped my tracks and so did Thando.

Caleb: no guy is going to touch her right?

Thando laughed and nodded then Caleb let me go. We went to the stage and the DJ announced what was going to happen.

DJ: so these ladies right here would like to give you guys a show

All the guys whistled and we were standing there with chairs on our sides, including Tee. Well for Kayla she didn't have a choice, she does whatever hoe activities our hearts desires and she's a very good dancer plus when we do something we do it together. The song started and we started dancing, well we knew the moves because we usually dance together but we stopped. We danced and danced till the song was over and the guys were cheering and throwing money at us, yes it was like we are strippers but we didn't mind.

Tee: bring in the poles

They brought in the poles and we started stripping to Under the influence by Chris Brown. The club was going wild and we didn't stop till the song was over.

DJ: wow these ladies sure know how to do their thing, thank you again ladies for giving us an opportunity to see such a great performance.

People cheered and we went to our table and we drank. The waiters came with food and more expensive alcohol towards our table.

Kayla: we didn't order that

Tee: I did say she must stay behind look now she's denying free food and alcohol

We laughed

Thando: but seriously though we didn't order any of this

Waiter 1: it's on the house for your great performance

Zinhle: free food and alcohol? I would never say no to that

They put everything on our table and they left after we thanked them. We dug in.

Tee: now this is life

He said gulping down the wine.

Thando: I found Angel here and the Greek God grinding each other and kissing

Tee spilled wine all over and we all jumped

Lizzy: say what now?

Thando: yes she was twerking and grinding him after she was finished he turned her around so fast and kissed her while holding her

She said also taking a sip on her wine. Agh all eyes were on me.

Kayla: how soft are his lips?

Tee: did you feel his dick?

Zinhle: on a scale of 1-10 how big is it?

Lizzy: did he grab your ass?

I laughed and they all looked ay me waiting for answers

Me: I'm not discussing all of that with you guys but no he didn't touch my ass only my waist

Thando: was it nice though?

Me: yes it was very nice I won't lie

Tee: welcome to the hoe(ing) team bitch

We all laughed carried on drinking and eating. I looked around for Caleb bit I didn't see him I was a bit sad but hey maybe the kiss didn't mean anything to him so I should just forget about him. The clock hit 4 am and I called Lizwi and told him to come and pick me up. After 30 minutes of not being able to even raise up my hand he came and so did the rest of the guys, everyone took their girlfriends and even Jerry Tee's boyfriend came. Lizwi looked at me and he placed me in the back seat and got to the drivers seat and drove off. On the way I was busy talking to him about things that didn't even make sense. We got to the house and he carried me upstairs without saying a word and he looked a bit angry but I was too drunk to worry about that.

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