Chapter 52

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Nobuhle's Pov

As soon as I gained consciousness, I got a banging headache it was like my head was spinning. I tried to touch my head, but I felt something heavy holding me back. I opened my eyes and scanned the room first. This was not the hospital, and this is definitely not my house. I looked around to see what this was. It looked like a basement of some sort with a lot of medical stuff in it like things used during surgery. I looked at my hands and saw that they were tied up in chains. I looked at my feet, and they were also tied in chains. I panicked as my mind ran wild. Where am I? Why am I chained? Oh my God, did I get kidnapped? Wait, and why am I naked? Where are my clothes?

As my mind was running wild, someone came in. Their face looked familiar, almost like we had met before.

"Don't you remember me?"

He asked in a conniving smile. He was also checking me out. I looked at him without saying a word or showing an ounce of emotion.

"I was supposed to be your doctor until your so-called husband man handled me."

Oh yes, this is Doctor Pervert. Remember the one that got inside my ward while I was naked and Lizwi jumped to stand infront of me then when he gave me papers he gave me that look which led to Lizwi throwing him against the wall? Yes, that one is him in front of me right now. I didn't understand why he was here, though.

Doctor Pervert: Tough I see one of the things why I can't get over you

One thing I've learned is that never show your emotions in front of your enemy be strong even when it hurts. Right now, he is my enemy as he had kidnapped me. Lizwi will find me. I know he will.

Me: Why am I here?

My tone was rather bold than weak. I was not going to show any signs of emotions until Lizwi gets here.

Doctor Pervert: How I've missed your voice, my love. You're here because you belong to me and not with that man. We are going to go far away and start our own family because I love you, baby.

I kept quiet and just stared at him. He reminds me so much of Sbusiso, the other guy that Lizwi fought because he was obsessed with me. When someone is obsessed with you, it's best not to argue with them, or they will lose their minds and harm you. I had to play it cool.

Doctor Pervert: That medicine really took you out. You have been out for 4 hours straight.

My mind started running wild again. The last thing I remember was driving my car and I saw fog. I parked my car and that's it. So he used something to drug me and kidnap me. If I'm correct right now, it's around 4 or 5, meaning Lizwi has already noticed that I'm gone and he is looking for me. He should be here in 2 hours tops. I just have to stall Doctor Pervert until he gets here with Blade.

Me: What do you want from me?

Doctor Pervert: I want you

He said and then left. Okay, it's time to figure out how I am going to get out of this place. I'm scared, but I have to he strong for my kids. I looked at the chains holding me. They were really strong. I can't even force myself out of them. I tried to wiggle myself out, but I couldn't. I tried to talk to Lizwi through my mind, but I couldn't. Instead, I got a banging headache. Something was blocking me. I looked around and saw my dress on the chair and my phone right next to it. It was far from me. I looked around and saw that this room had nothing besides the door and all the medical stuff. I tried to communicate with my kids, but I couldn't. All I got was a headache.

"Don't bother trying it won't work."

I looked up to the door and saw a weird looking man wearing a sangoma attire.

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