Chapter 32

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Nobuhle's Pov

I am sitting here at the hospital waiting for the doctor that Thando is coming with because they think I am pregnant, which I am certain that I am not. I was just eating food. Is that a crime? We went to fetch Esihle at night but we left her with MaMtolo so we could come here to the hospital. Right now, there is only Lizwi and I in the room, and he is going on and on about this pregnancy thing. If I really am pregnant, then shit is about to hit the fan because I slept with Caleb and then got raped by the father of my daughter. I am somehow coming into terms with this rape thing. Yes, it hurt me and broke me, but I am a forgiving person it is just who I am. I never hold grudges no matter how hurt I am.

Lizwi: What if we are really going to have a baby?

Me: I am sorry to burst your bubble, Lizwi, but that child would be a product of rape and we can not be sure that it yours because your raped me the day I slept with someone else now can you please drop this baby topic because everytime I think of it my stomach turns.

Lizwi: angizwanga? (Excuse me)

Me: You heard me very well

Lizwi: What the fuck do you mean you could be carrying that fools child? You slept with him without using protection?

Me: like how you slept with them without protection?

Lizwi: fuck that is different what the hell Nobuhle you were so thirsty that you could not use a fucking condom?

Me: Don't you ever, and I mean ever say that I was thirsty. You were the only guy I slept with Lizwi for years now when I finally sleep with someone else after we had broken up you tell me this shit? Yes, I slept with him, but as far as I am concerned, I didn't cheat on you. We are over, and yes, we did use protection, but on the last rounds, we did not, so maybe just maybe he did plant his seeds in me then along you came and violated me in the worst way possible an maybe just maybe you also planted your seeds in me I do not know Lizwilenkosi and I am broken because if I am carrying your child that would mean I am carrying a product of rape I would be carrying a child that was conceived through rape, how do you think I will feel whenever I look into that child? It will remind me of the pain you put me through, and if I am pregnant with Caleb's child, then it would mean he did it on purpose and I will have to deal with my children having separated fathers when that was not on my to do list now please forgive me if you are hurt because I slept with someone else but I am hurt because of what I could be carrying and how drastically my life is going to change if I am really pregnant.

He was now looking down. I know that I should not have hit him where he is weak, but it is the truth, and he has to know that I will carry this with me for the rest of my life. We heard clicking sounds and the door opened, it was Thando and a male doctor.

Lizwi: You could not get a female doctor, Thando?

Thando and the doctor laughed.

Doctor: Good morning, Mr Maphumulo. Yes, I am a male doctor, but I can assure you that I am the best around and she is in good hands.

Lizwi: You better not try anything funny

Doctor: I will not, I promise.

Thando: okay guys this is Dr Cele he is the best gynecologist in this hospital, and he is going to help you.

Me: I am No..

Lizwi: Mrs Maphumulo

He laughed, and I joined.

Dr Cele: Don't worry, Mr Maphumulo, I am married, and I love my wife very much. I basically live for her and our children.

Me: aww that is so nice

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