Chapter 69

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Bulelwa's Pov

Nqobizwe marched in and walked straight to me while his brothers went to Shokwakhe. His eyes were bloodshot red and full of nothing but disgust. I covered my body.

He started strangling me. I swear I saw my life flash before my eyes. He tightened his grip around me. I got dizzy while trying so hard to remove him from me.

Shokwakhe: uyamlimaza!

He let go of me and went charging to Shokwakhe, giving him a mean punch, which made him kiss the floor. I was left crying and coughing hysterically. I cried louder, but his brothers didn't care. Instead, Nqobizitha locked the door while Nqobizwe beat the hell out of Shokwakhe. I rubbed my throat and tried to scream for help. His house was further down next to the forest, so I doubt anyone will hear me but at this point, I really and truly don't care.

Shokwakhe tried fighting back and went charging to Nqobizwe, who gave him another punch, which sent him flying, and his head hit the wall before he fell down like a fly. There was blood all over the wall. I screamed, horrified.  He beat him up till he couldn't try to fight back. There was blood everywhere. I cried and begged him to stop, but he didn't listen. Instead, he started breathing heavily. Nqobizitha came to me. He got to me and dragged me out of bed.

Me: uyangilimaza (you are hurting me)

I cried out, but he didn't seem to care. He shoved me into the car and closed the door. He looked at me for the longest time before leaving, I swear I saw his eyes turn yellow. He left me in the car in my half-naked body and went back to the house. That's when I heard the loud and piercing cries. It sounded like they were beating him up. It continued till I couldn't take it anymore, so I got out of the car and went back inside with means of pleading with him.

Yes, I was still half-naked, and I didn't really care about that right now. My mind was running wild thinking about what they could be doing to him. When I got inside the house, what I saw sent me back outside. I ran out screaming on top of my lungs. Jesus Christ maybe I was hallucinating because there is no way absolutely no way I just saw the man I have been sleeping in the same bed with for the past few weeks turn into a damn lion right in front of my eyes.

I ran towards the forest with my heart beating very fast, I would rather be killed by wild animals than believe that what I saw was real. I ran till my feet couldn't carry me anymore, I fell down on my knees and cried. I heard very heavy steps coming towards my direction. At first, I thought it was someone coming to help me, but when I heard a roar, I knew it was Nqobizwe or whatever that I saw turning into a lion right in front of me.

The steps got heavier and heavier till I felt myself collide with the ground. I shut my eyes and said a short prayer. I was petrified. A deep roar was released on top of me. I pissed myself. It got off me, I prayed that when I opened my eyes, I saw that I'm in the palace and my ancestors were showing me the possible outcome for my actions.

My heart sank when I saw the lion staring at me like it was about to rip me into pieces. It roared loudly, causing the grounds to shake. I pissed myself again. It didn't move until Nqobani and Nqobizitha had gotten to where we were. I jumped up and ran towards them, shaking in fear.

Me: bhuti siza ibhubesi 

Instead of helping me, he pushed me aside and looked at the lion. What happened next got me on the floor at the same time. It shifted back into its human form and revealed my Nqobizwe. I tried moving back but was stopped by Nqobani while Nqobizitha gave Nqobizwe clothes. It was then that I realized he had been holding my clothes too. Nqobizwe wore new fresh clothes. He walked up to us, and Nqobizitha gave him my clothes and gun before he walked away with Nqobani. I'm still half naked with scratches on my body, I have pissed myself 2 times, and I smell from all the running.

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