Chapter 54

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Lizwi's Pov

I am not even going to lie. I am so scared. What happened today scared the shit out of me. How I wish our lives would go back to being normal because they aren't normal now. We both still have a lot of explaining to do, but right now, I want her to rest. We had to take out the bullet that got in her thigh ourselves. There was no way we were going to go to the hospital. They might see a lot of things which we can't even explain. She was screaming and crying, and we had to sedate her. She is sleeping now, and the guys left to tell their wives and then come back with them. In the meantime, I sent MaMtolo some money so she doesn't run out of food.

Nobuhle lost a lot of blood, I really don't know how we're going to give her since hers is different. I had volunteered to do it, but the guys didn't want to risk it. Yes, we all know a thing or two about medicine. As ganglords, we got into a lot of rough times, so we had to nurse each other back to health. We had to put the baby somewhere safe until she could tell the father and then bury the child. She is acting strong, but I can see that she is hurting. I just hope that I will be strong enough for both of us.

I can't believe she is still my wife. This whole time, she has been my wife. I really need to thank Luzuko for what he did for me. I really appreciate it. I just made food for her so she can eat when she wakes up. A lot of drama is going to happen right now as the wives will know our deepest secrets, but I'm ready. This all happened so soon. Just yesterday, she was introduced to her mothers family, and now this? What's next?

As I was sitting here in the living room waiting for the food to get cooked, the door burst open, and there stood a raging Zinhle. She got in and marched all the way up to my bedroom without even looking at me. Sandile followed next and sat down next to me, shaking his head.

Sandile: I'm fucked

He said rubbing his hands roughly on his face.

Me: What did you say?

Sandile: That Nobuhle was kidnapped, and we went to get her back. She asked a bunch of questions, and I answered them honestly. Now she is mad.

Me: Wait until Thando comes in

We heard some banging sounds and turned to where they were coming from. Zinhle had a bat on her hand, and she was marching towards us. I literally jumped over the couch and ran out the door with Sandile following me. As we were running, Muzi had just parked his car with Nonjabulo following him. When he saw us running, he looked behind us and then left Nonjabulo standing. He ran out the gate. Zinhle is mad, and when I say mad, I mean she is crazy just like her mother. Lord know what she will do to us when she catches us. This isn't the first time she chased us, and last time, she gave us a beating of our lives. It was her traditional wedding day, and we got lost along the way, so we were late. She acted like she was fine but after the wedding she moered us.

Zinhle's Pov

I am so mad right now. If they were ganglords, as he says, couldn't they get to her any faster? She looks so pale and has lost weight. The marks on her body made my blood boil. When he told me about the child, I literally went on my knees and cried. Who would do such a thing! They should've git to her faster now she is in a critical condition because of them. They ran away as soon as they saw me. I stood by the gate and screamed at them.


They stood outside and looked at me. God, I just want moer them so bad. I went back to the house, and on my way back, I saw Nonjabulo.

Me: Oh hey

Nonjabulo: Girl, were you really about to beat them up?

Me: I've done it before, and I would do it again

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