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    The physical examination of the experimental subject is generally done every six months, although judging from various data, the physical examination should not have much impact on the experimental subject. However, the fact is that each test subject after the physical examination will be sluggish for a period of time to varying degrees. The lab has yet to figure out why.

    76, who just came out of the observation area, naturally became the key observation object of the researchers.

    Most of 76's tail is soaked in the water, and the tip of the tail is looming under the water surface. The upper body on the ground imitates 77's appearance and lies on the rocks, which obviously has a weak temperament.

    "The larvae from the hatching room have come out." The glass room of each experimental subject has a landscape imitating the outside world. In the glass room next door, 77 is lying on a raised rock, exchanging information with 76.

    "I saw it yesterday."

    "It has thirteen legs, its body is soft, and it looks different from ours..." 77 listened to 76 describe the appearance of the young body, and imagined a strange scene in his mind. look like.

    "If there are thirteen legs..." 77 thought about it seriously, "he must run very fast."


    the other side, the hatchling mentioned by 77 and 76 was lying on Alisa's hand Acting like a baby, although it has now realized that Alyssa can't hear what he said, it still holds her hand and repeats the two tones of "mama" persistently.

    During the time they left the nutrition barn, the hatchlings had obviously learned a lot.

    After leaving the nutrition warehouse, I felt hungry for the first time without eating. Holding the needle in the palm of Alisa's hand and feeding the crushed minced meat, I felt full.

    "Mom"'s palms are soft and fragile, as long as she exerts a little force, she will be hurt. Frowning means that she is unhappy, and her tone will be a little stiff at this time. She doesn't like this kind of "mama" very much, because it often means that the current behavior is forbidden. When he is happy, his eyebrows and eyes will be curved, and his tone reminds the young body of when it was still in the nutrition barn.

    And "Baby" is me.

    The hatchling followed Alisa's hand to the table, climbed up an empty shelf, and didn't stop until it was at eye level with Alisa. It saw Alisa's conniving gaze, and stretched out its hand toward itself: "Come here."

    She called out to the experimental body that hadn't got its number yet: "Baby, come here."

    The hatchling crawled back into her palm, carefully gathering its strength to prevent accidentally cutting Alisa's skin.

    It stumbles and learns and understands the world and human beings through touch and perception, just like many experimental subjects in front of it.


    ten o'clock in the morning, the laboratory held another regular meeting. This time, the theme was the intelligence and learning ability of the experimental subjects, and the focus was on the cultivation of the larvae that had just come out of the nutrition warehouse.

    "Our experimental subjects are very intelligent creatures, which means that we need to pay attention to correcting their behavior and avoiding some bad habits from an early age." "They have a strong

    learning ability, I think everyone present underestimated This point."

    "Of course." The speaker added naturally, "Their intelligence is naturally inferior to that of human beings." They

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