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    The hatchlings in the next hatch are dying.

    It feels sleepy frequently, and always fell asleep quickly while talking to 157, and then apologized to 157 after waking up: "I seem to have fallen asleep again."

    After it accidentally fell asleep again , No. 35 told 157: "It is dying."

    157 has not seen death with his own eyes, and his understanding of it is only from hearing the news of the death of No. 155's "mother" Erro from the communication of the experimental subjects.

    It was difficult for her to understand why sleepiness, frequent falling asleep, was associated with death.

    But not only 35's reminder, but also the sudden increase of researchers next door, the serious tone of their disputes, all indicate that the situation of the larvae is not optimistic.

    "But... I thought that as long as I can wake up from the nutrient solution, I can survive smoothly." Just like 157 himself.

    However, 35 told her that the next time she wakes up, it may be the last chance for the hatchling to wake up.

    It still feels sleepy, falling asleep between sentences, and never waking up.


    "I always seem to be very sleepy recently." The hatchling couldn't help yawning, "Will you all be like this before you open your eyes?" The hatchling asked curiously, what does it mean behind this phenomenon Know nothing.

    At the end of this sentence, the hatchling couldn't help yawning again, and then heard 157 ask: "Are you sleepy now?" The

    experimental subject nodded where she couldn't see: "It seems like I'm going to fall asleep at any moment. .”

    157’s tentacles were knotted, she called out to it, but after hearing the reply from the hatchling, she hesitated for a moment, swallowed what she wanted to say, and asked it a question instead: “If you know something The experimental subject is about to die, will you tell it?"

    "Why do you ask this question?" The hatchling was a little strange.

    But 157 was very persistent, wanting to hear its answer from the hatchling: "If that experimental subject was you, would you want to be told this fact?" The hatchling subconsciously yawned again, almost unable to restrain itself

    . Sleepy, but 157 seemed to be very anxious, it thought about it seriously, and told her: "Then don't tell me." The young creature said: "In this way,

    I can always be happy."

    It thought You will hear 157 say something about this question, but after listening to it, 157 was quiet for a while, and then said: "Then let's talk about something that can make you happy." It talked to 157 about "

    Mom ", I heard "Mom" humming a little tune in the incubator, talking about the expectation of the world I saw after opening my eyes... and 157, who chats with herself every day, every time it feels sleepy and tries to take a rest Every now and then, 157 would stir up the topic, trying to make it continue.

    "Am I there?" 157 asked.

    "Because chatting with 157 is also very happy." The young creature said.

    The drowsiness makes the young body feel that the time has passed very long. It yawned one after another, and finally stayed with 157. It said: "I'm really sleepy, I think I should rest." "I can't sleep anymore.

    " Talk to me?" 157's voice sounded a bit sad.

    "But I'm really sleepy." The hatchling felt that its consciousness was drowsy, and it was almost hard to hear what 157 said, so it could only say sorry to 157: "Good night." After thinking about it,

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