Chapter IX

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Y/N sprinted through the dense forest, his heart pounding like a drum in his chest. He had been running for hours, trying to escape whatever the hell had been relentlessly pursuing him.

Three days ago, he had left the old man behind, a decision that weighed heavily on him now, the forest seemed to close in around him, and the dense underbrush made his escape increasingly difficult. With every step, he hoped to put more distance between himself and his pursuer, but the feeling of dread only intensified.

As he pushed through the foliage, he came to an abrupt halt at the edge of a cliff. Below, a violent river, its waters crashing against the jagged rocks. The drop was dizzying, and even if he survived the fall, the river's unforgiving current made escape unlikely.

A voice called out from behind him, causing Y/N to freeze in his tracks. The voice was strangely friendly, "Wow, you do run fast!" the voice sang out.

Y/N slowly turned around, his eyes locking onto the figure who had appeared behind him. The sight that met his gaze was otherworldly—a tall young man with a lean yet muscular body, his skin pale as moonlight. His most striking feature was his unusually long, pointed nails, stained with a pale blue color.

This person if you could call him that, possessed long, flowing platinum blond hair, meticulously parted to the right. His hair framed his face like a shimmering halo, with one lock cascading down between his eyes.

His eyes themselves were a rare sight, an array of rainbow pastel tones swirling within them, something written in them that Y/N couldn't tell what it said.

In one hand, he held a severed head—a gruesome trophy that seemed entirely out of place in his cheerful demeanor

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In one hand, he held a severed head—a gruesome trophy that seemed entirely out of place in his cheerful demeanor.

With a grin, the creature introduced himself as Doma."Hello there!" Doma greeted Y/N, his tone casual.

"I've been trying to catch up with you. So, what's your name?" He asked, Y/N stood there,  fear and confusion within him as he tried to comprehend the bizarre encounter with this... individual named Doma.

Y/N's heart raced as he remembered Jigoro's words about the existence of demons.

He gripped his chest in fear, his mind struggling to process the terrifying reality before him.

With trembling lips, Y/N finally found the courage to ask the question that had been haunting him. "Are... Are you a demon?"

Doma's demeanor didn't waver in the slightest as he replied with a playful grin. "Yes, indeed! Shouldn't you know that, my dear Demon Slayer?" He tilted his head to the side, his long platinum hair cascading gracefully.

Y/N's worst fears were confirmed – he was face to face with a demon. But then, Doma's expression shifted from playful to bemused. He continued with a chillingly cheerful tone, "Oh, wait, you're not a Demon Slayer, are you?" His laughter increased.

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