Day Off With Kocho Kanae

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Read until the end! :3


After their series of kisses—some brief, others lingering and filled with passion—Y/N and Kanae took a moment to catch their breath. "That makes 9 kisses," She squeezed his cheek before stepping away towards the table to retrieve something from her backpack.

"I know you wrote in your letters it is a luxury to watch me walk in my uniform, but eyes up here, please," she caught Y/N in the act of admiring her form a little too much, despite the haori covering her back.

Y/N cleared his throat, a bit embarrassed at being caught staring. "What did you bring?" he asked, eager to shift the focus.

Kanae began pulling out ingredients from her backpack and laying them out on the table. "Well, for breakfast, I thought we'd make tamagoyaki with a twist, using some shiitake mushrooms I've marinated overnight in soy sauce and mirin. Then, we have fresh daikon radish to grate for a refreshing side, and I've brought miso for soup, which we can enrich with wakame and tofu."

"And we are going to cook together!" she announced.

"I'm...not good at cooking, Kanae."

She hummed thoughtfully, a mischievous smile on her lips. "And what if...there was a reward for well as an incentive?"

"And what kind of reward are we talking about?" he played along.

Kanae leaned in closer, "Let's say...for every dish you help make without a disaster, you earn another kiss."

"Guess... I'd better start paying attention then," Y/N nodded quite pleased with the offer.

Kanae decided to start with the tamagoyaki. "First, we need to beat the eggs," She stood close, guiding his hand with hers over the bowl, showing him how to whisk the eggs gently, ensuring they were well mixed without overdoing it. The warmth of her hand over his, the subtle scent of her hair as she leaned in closer, made concentrating on her instructions a challenge for Y/N.

"Now, we add a little soy sauce and mirin to the eggs," she continued, her voice soft, almost a whisper, as she reached around him to grab the condiments, her body pressing lightly against his. Y/N found his gaze drifting not to her face but to where her haori slightly parted at her neck, revealing the soft curve of her collarbone.

Kanae oblivious to his wandering eyes, added the seasonings to the egg mixture. "It's all about balance," she said, looking up to catch his gaze not on the bowl but elsewhere. She playfully scolded, "Shinazugawa-kun, the secret to a good tamagoyaki is in watching the eggs, not me."

Flustered but amused, Y/N redirected his attention to the task at hand, though the closed room made it difficult to focus solely on cooking. Kanae then showed him how to pour a thin layer of the egg mixture into the pan, tilting it to spread the egg evenly. "Once it's slightly set, we roll it toward ourselves, then add another layer," she instructed, guiding his hands once more.

With the tamagoyaki cooked to golden perfection, Kanae stepped back with satisfaction...and something more. "You did well, Shinazugawa-kun. I think you've earned your reward,"

Y/N leaned down as instructed, anticipation building. Her hands gently guided his face down to meet hers, closing the distance between them in a kiss that was his promised reward.

As Y/N leaned in for another kiss, Kanae playfully held up a finger. "Uh uh uh...not so fast, Sun Hashira. A dish for a kiss, remember?" Her grin appeared, and she stepped back to focus on the next item on their cooking list.

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