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Kanae's POV

Despite being hailed as a high-class oiran in just a night, a title that came with its own set of expectations and unwelcome advances, Kanae maintained her composure, her days filled with encounters ranging from the shyly respectable to the outright deplorable.

As she walked, her attention was caught by the sound of a shamisen, its melody cutting through the murmur of conversations and laughter. The source was none other than Zenko who despite the unflattering disguise was commanding the room with an impressive display of musical talent.

Zenko's performance was so captivating that it had even stopped the usual activities of the house. Two oirans stood by with surprise and envy, while a cluster of girls and patrons watched, their eyes wide with admiration.

A young girl tugged at Kanae's sleeve. "Zenko-chan is amazing with music, Kanae-san... But, sadly, she's not all," she whispered in pity.

An older oiran leaned against the wall with a knowing smirk, "That's the face of a woman scorned, determined to outshine those who wronged her. I like her spirit!"

Zenitsu seemed oblivious to the comments, his face contorted with concentration and fury. The veins on his temple bulged slightly in intense focus and perhaps rage at his current predicament.

Approaching Zenko, Kanae leaned in, her voice low and teasing. "You're quite the sensation, Zenko-chan. I never knew you had it in you to channel your... frustrations into such a captivating performance."

Zenko's fingers paused momentarily on the shamisen strings, his eyes going towards Kanae before resuming his play. "I'm just doing what I need to survive here," he muttered, the words barely audible over the music.

Kanae nodded. "Well, it seems your survival strategy is working wonders. Just remember, it's all an act, a means to an end. Keep your eyes on the mission, Zenko-chan."

With a final pat on Zenko's shoulder, Kanae retreated.

Kanae was deep in thought about Inosuke and Tanjiro, hoping they were adjusting well to their roles when Yuka the brothel owner walked over to her. Kanae's stomach turned at the sight of the woman, remembering the crude way she had referred to Zenitsu, or 'Zenko' as he was known here. Despite her disdain, Kanae plastered a warm, inviting smile on her face, ready to play her part.

"Kanae-san!" Yuka exclaimed. "Tonight, we have another esteemed guest who specifically requested your company."

'Another one?' she thought, 'That makes six in a single night...' Despite her inner frustration, she maintained her facade of excitement. "Oh? And who might that be?" she asked sweetly.

Yuka's grin widened. "Ah, you're in for a treat tonight. The gentleman in question is none other than Tanaka Hiroshi, a high-ranking official from the Ministry of Finance. And guess what? He's offered a stunning amount of 200k yen for the pleasure of your company!" she announced, clearly pleased with the catch.

Kanae couldn't hide her surprise. Two hundred thousand yen was a significant amount. It spoke volumes about the man's wealth and his desperation for a high-class company. 'What does he expect for that price?' Kanae wondered warily.

"He expects nothing short of a memorable night, of course," Yuka continued, misinterpreting Kanae's silence for curiosity. "Tanaka-san has a reputation for being... particular about his companions. But I have no doubt that you, our gem, will surpass his expectations. You've quickly become the true beauty of this district, after all in just a few nights no less."

Forcing another smile, Kanae nodded. 'Particular, is it? Well, I've handled worse,' she reassured herself. "I understand. I'll make sure his visit is... unforgettable," she said, her tone implying a promise she wasn't sure she could keep.

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