Day Off With Kocho Shinobu

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Y/N's POV.

Y/N had staggered into the Butterfly Estate, his breath ragged. Blood seeped from multiple wounds due beating he had endured. His eye patch was missing.

Shinobu had been organizing medical supplies and looked up as he entered. The sight of his injuries made her wince. Instantly, she dropped what she was doing and rushed to his side.

"Y/N?" Shinobu asked as she supported him, guiding him towards the infirmary room.

Y/N's voice was a hoarse whisper, strained with pain. "It was... Sanemi," he managed to say.

Shinobu didn't press for details. Her focus shifted to treating his injuries.

The bruises on his face were just the beginning, his body took the worst part

"Y/N, we need to see the full extent of your injuries. Please remove your haori and jacket," she instructed.

Y/N's movements were slow and pained as he shed the clothing, revealing bruises and across his torso. Shinobu's hands moved with care, her touch gentle yet efficient as she began treating the most severe bruises. She applied salves and bandages.

As she worked, Y/N's gaze was distant, his mind elsewhere. "Don't ask about it," he said, his voice a mix of a command and a plea.

Shinobu nodded. "I understand," she replied softly. "But we should also see your brother's injuries. He might need treatment as well."

At the mention of Sanemi, Y/N's expression didn't change. It was as if the name passed through him, leaving no mark. "I don't care about him," he said, his voice hollow, devoid of the anger or sorrow one might expect.

Shinobu didn't press further.

She began by gently palpating his torso, assessing the extent of the damage. Her fingers moved across his shoulders, down his chest, and along his arms.

"Your muscles have taken a significant beating," Shinobu commented, pressing gently but firmly along his biceps and triceps, feeling the strain and bruises beneath the skin. "Your brother's strength is no small matter."

Y/N winced slightly as she probed an area near his obliques. "He doesn't hold back," he grunted, his jaw set tight against the pain.

Shinobu's hands then moved to the old stitch marks on his chest, remnants of a stab wound Kanae had treated weeks earlier. "These stitches have healed well, but you need to be careful," Her fingers traced the line of the scar, ensuring it hadn't reopened.

She then checked the condition of his rotator cuff, she gently rotated his arm to see the range of motion and pain response.

"Try to keep your movements minimal for a few days," she instructed. "Your body needs time to heal."

"Y/N, this... You promised your brother Genya you wouldn't fight with Sanemi-san."

Y/N's response was a silent glare.

Shinobu hesitated before offering, "Is... maybe I can offer some advice?"

"Has Kocho-san also strangled you almost to death after you've lied to her for years about your parents being dead, Shinobu?"

The horror that flashed across Shinobu's face was unmistakable. "No..." she whispered, not his raw confession.

"Then you don't understand," he said, his voice hard. "I just want to... get this treated and leave."

"Leave? Where?" Shinobu asked, her concern growing.

Y/N's reply came flat and emotionless. "I've been sending money to my dead family ever since I became a slayer... thinking they were alive... alongside those letters." He paused. "Ubuyashiki has it... so..."

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