Chapter LXXII

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Kanae and Y/N sparred outside the estate with bokkens, the air was filled with wood clashing and laughter. Kanae beaming with pride and admiration, paused to compliment him. "That sparring session with the other Hashira was amazing. You are amazing."

Y/N shrugged off the compliment with a chuckle, always modest in the face of praise. Seizing the moment for a bit of playful revenge, Kanae cheekily squeezed his butt, a callback to the tactic he used when fighting all the Hashira. "Hey, hands off, Flower Hashira!" Y/N protested, feigning indignation but amused by her boldness.

"You started it." Kanae's cheeks colored with a flush.

Y/N was unable to resist teasing her further, "I mean, can you really blame me? You do have the best ass I've ever seen. It's hard to resist not doing it," he admitted with a grin, his words deliberately flirty.

Kanae between embarrassment and laughter managed to retort, "Is that so? I'll have to be more careful, lest the 'great' Shinazugawa Y/N can't keep his hands to himself."

Y/N loved seeing her like this—embarrassed yet playful. "Oh, I definitely can't. Especially when it comes to you," he said, "It's not just your... 'assets' that have me captivated, though. It's everything about you."

Their sparring momentarily forgotten, Kanae laughed and wrapped her arms around him in a hug, pulling him close. Y/N responded by ruffling her hair affectionately before showering her head with kisses.

"Careful, we might give the crows something to talk about," Kanae teased.

"As if they don't already have enough to say about us," Y/N joked back, "But let them talk. They can't possibly capture how incredible you are."

Kanae got closer to Y/N, her cheek against his chest, where she could feel the steady beat of his heart. "I'm scared," she confessed, her voice muffled against his shirt.

"Because of... what I did?" Y/N's voice was slow and cautious as if he was afraid to hear her answer.

"Yes... that, and... people often don't understand others. They're quick to accuse and to give punishment. But what about recognizing the hardships and burdens of that person? Or considering, or rewarding, their attempts to redeem themselves? For the good they do?"

Y/N's arms wrapped around her more tightly, offering comfort. "Being with you is reward enough," he murmured, his hand rubbing her back affectionately.

"I know you feel that way, but... love here isn't the problem. It's what will happen to you... what the rest of the corps will demand as punishment for what you did," Kanae voiced her deepest fear, the uncertainty of Y/N's fate within the Corps.

Y/N sighed. "Do you think the Hashira will understand or..." He swallowed hard, the next words difficult to voice. "See it as a betrayal? You haven't told them either."

"They love you... metaphorically and, in some cases, quite literally," Kanae assured him, trying to lighten the mood with a bit of teasing.

Y/N stepped back slightly, holding her arms as he looked into her eyes, searching for reassurance. "There's no way..."

"Yes... I'm a good listener, you know?" Kanae offered, her tone playful yet sincere.

He snorted, "You mean gossip."

"How rude! It's not like I can unhear. I just happen to hear such things when I'm nearby,"

"Love..." He paused, frowning slightly at the thought that crossed his mind. "The idea of rejecting either of them..."

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