Chapter XLV

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Disclaimer: Intense Content Ahead

Please be advised that the upcoming fight scene in this story contains graphic and intense content, including but not limited to graphic violence, sexual violence and assault, psychological trauma, and mature themes: 

3rd's Person POV

Her obi sashes lashed out like snakes, each strike aimed to kill or capture.

Y/N dodged the initial strikes, but Daki was relentless. Her sashes finally coiled around his limbs, binding him tightly. The pressure was immense, cutting into his flesh, leaving deep marks.

"Caught you," Daki said tightening her grip. "Not so high and mighty now, are you, Shinazugawa?"

Y/N grunted, struggling against the constricting sashes. "I've dealt with worse than your fancy ribbons," his muscles strained under the pressure.

Daki leaned in, her face inches from his. "I love it when they play tough," she whispered, her cold breath against his skin. "But we both know how this ends."

"Get the fuck off me, demon," Y/N growled, finding a weak point in her grip. He twisted his arm, loosening one sash, then another.

"Oh, such vulgar language," Daki mocked, her sashes re-coiling for another attack. "Is that how you talk to all the women you meet?"

Y/N freed himself with a final, violent jerk. "Only the ones who try to kill me," he retorted, taking a defensive stance. "Let's see how you like fighting someone who fights back."

The obi sashes shot towards him again, but this time he was ready. He dodged and weaved, closing the distance between them. Daki's face showed a flicker of surprise; this was not the usual helpless prey she was used to.

Y/N's reflexes were sharp as Daki's obi sashes lunged towards him. With a swift movement, he caught them, using his brute strength to spin her around. The momentum swung Daki through the air like a living flail, her body crashing against the walls and ground. With a final heave, he threw her away, her form disappearing into the shadows.

He dashed back into the establishment, his voice booming with urgency. "My weapons, where are they?!" Omitsu startled and fear-stricken, pointed towards a storage room.

Before he could retrieve his arms, Daki reappeared, her sashes snaking out to ensnare him. In a flash, they coiled around his limbs, lifting him off the ground. Suspended helplessly, Y/N struggled against the tight restraints as Daki approached.

Her hair lashed out at him, slicing across his chest. The cuts were shallow but numerous, drawing blood that dripped down his torso. Daki's eyes widened with excitement at the sight of his marechi blood. She leaned in, her tongue lapping up the blood from his wounds. The intimate, violating act made Y/N's skin crawl with revulsion.

"What the fuck are you doing, you sick bitch?" Y/N spat, his voice laced with disgust. He writhed in her grasp, trying to break free from the obi sashes' grip.

Daki chuckled darkly, "Just savoring the taste of your precious blood, Y/N. It's quite intoxicating, you know. Such a waste to let it just spill on the ground," she taunted, her tongue tracing a path up his stomach.

Y/N clenched his teeth, fighting the urge to vomit. "... I'm going to kill you once I'm free," he growled, his eyes blazing with hatred.

"Oh, I'd like to see you try,"

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