Chapter LXXI

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"Gods, sorry, I promised myself to stop being so emotional and dramatic," Y/N said.

"My child, hell? You think you will go to hell once you die?"

Caught off guard by the question, Y/N fumbled for a moment, his gaze drifting to his nails as if to find an answer there. "Huh? Oh, that..." he stammered, cursing himself for his slip of words. "That's just... worst-case scenario. Never mind that," he lied, trying to brush off his earlier statement.


Looking up, Y/N's face brightened with a genuine smile, "I have a request, Kagaya-sama, Amane-sama, it would mean the world to me."

Y/N took a moment to think, he wanted to get it just right. "As you know, my parents are dead, and despite having other paternal figures in my life, I think you two should be the ones to help me with this," he started.

Kagaya and Amane shared a look, a silent communication passing between them.

Y/N continued, trying to recall the specific legalities he had read up on. "And we are young, so according to the law," he paused, searching his memory, "Article 772 of the Meiji Civil Code states that if a man is under 30 and a woman under 25, they need..."

Kagaya couldn't contain his excitement. He clutched Amane's hand, barely able to sit still. "My child?" he feigned ignorance, "What are you getting at?"

Y/N exhaled a half-frustrated, half-amused sigh. "I want both of you, your approval, and to be our matchmaker. Both Kanae and I greatly admire and hold affection for you, Kagaya-sama. For marriage, due to traditions and all that stuff."

Kagaya's joy was palpable; he was rendered speechless, overwhelmed with happiness. Amane, always the more composed of the two, allowed a warm smile to appear on her lips, sharing in her husband's joy.

Kagaya finally found his voice, his words bubbling out in a rush of excitement. "My child, this is wonderful news! Amane and I are honored that you would choose us for such a significant role in your life."

Amane nodded, "We would be delighted to help you and Kocho-sama in any way we can. You have our full support and blessings."

Y/N smiled nervously at Kagaya's excitement. "Thank you, I... don't care much for formalities, to be honest. If it was up to me, I'd be arranging everything right this second. But her parents were great people, wealthy too... I just want to get things right for her."

Kagaya's smile grew even more if that were possible. He stood up, "A wedding... marriage... between two of my Hashira, no less!" He was practically bouncing on his heels. "My child, I apologize, but there's so much to work on, arrangements to be made. I hope you don't mind if we excuse ourselves?"

Y/N blinked, taken aback by Kagaya's sudden departure. He had expected happiness, yes, but Kagaya's level of excitement seemed to surpass his own. Y/N felt happy but filled with nerves and uncertainty, not about marrying Kanae but about what the future might hold. Yet here was Kagaya looking as though he was the one getting married.

Amane sighed as she watched her husband's childlike glee. "Come, Kagaya-sama, let's start planning for them.".

Kagaya turned back to Y/N. "Later, Y/N! And take care!" he called out as he hurried away with Amane, already lost in thoughts of wedding plans and celebrations.

Y/N stood there for a moment, still processing the events. 'Did the calm and wise leader of the Slayer Corps just end the meeting to start planning a wedding?' Shaking his head in amusement, he stood up to leave.


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