Chapter LXXXI

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A week had passed since the death of Kyojuro Rengoku,. Zenitsu stole rice balls Aoi had prepared, "Tanjiro has been pretty down since Rengoku-san died."

Walking the hallways, he approached their room, only to find Tanjiro's bed empty, with Inosuke chilling. "For me? Bring them here, Monitsu!" Inosuke exclaimed, eyeing the rice balls.

Zenitsu scoffed, clutching the rice balls closer. "They're not for you, fool. Where's Tanjiro?"

Inosuke lay back down, "Left to see the Flame Hashira's family."

Zenitsu was annoyed, "But he's still in recovery; we all are..."

Inosuke shrugged nonchalantly. "I told him to wait, but he wanted to go."

With a sigh, Zenitsu sat down beside Inosuke, deciding to share the rice balls despite his frustration. Yet as they ate, Zenitsu's expression turned contemplative. "You're still sad, Inosuke?"

Inosuke lifted his boar mask to eat a rice ball and averted his gaze, "No... I'm not," his voice betrayed denial.

Zenitsu leaned in closer. "Liar."

Inosuke's lips trembled. "The God Of War might be dead..." he muttered, the possibility one he struggled to accept.

"You believed an Upper Moon, really?"

"Gonpachiro seemed convinced that eyepatch was The God Of War's... and his sense of smell is never wrong," he argued.

Zenitsu scoffed, "That means nothing. He could have lost it, and that Upper Moon Two guy just picked it up or whatever."

Inosuke's frown deepened. "That sounds so dumb and convenient," he countered, unable to embrace such a simplistic explanation.

Zenitsu sighed "Not gonna lie, it feels bad to lie to everyone else," he admitted.

Inosuke understood the need to keep the secret. "Yeah... but Kentaro is right... it's better to keep what we heard to ourselves, If the Hashira or the girls at the estate were to hear The God Of War might be dead... the entire corps would just break."

Zenitsu nodded, reflecting on the connections and the high regard many held for Shinazugawa Y/N. "The girls loved him... I remember Gramps- speaking of him with so much affection and pride. He was kind to me once too,"

"The impact of his death... Kanao-san, Aoi, and heaven forbid, Shinobu-san finding out. They'd be devastated, maybe even reckless," he continued, "They might go on a killing spree."

While Zenitsu was lost in thought, he noticed Inosuke change a bit.

Zenitsu recalled the soft, muffled sobs he heard the previous night, realizing they were Inosuke's, confirming the news's deep impact on him.

Attempting to offer some comfort, Zenitsu awkwardly reached out and patted Inosuke's back.

Inosuke tensed up instantly, misunderstanding the gesture. "HUH?! I don't like you that way, Monitsu!" he exclaimed, startled and defensive.

Zenitsu flinched, his attempt at consolation backfiring. He felt both embarrassed and annoyed, his face reddening, "I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT, IDIOT!"


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Tanjiro stood at the entrance of the Rengoku estate, Nezuko resting peacefully in her box on his back. His mind replayed his recent conversation with Shinobu.

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