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Y/N's glare intensified, ignoring the medical team's warnings, he attempted to rise, his actions driven by a will that seemed unyielding even in the face of his physical limitations.

"You can't move right now," one of the nurses insisted, "The injuries you sustained... we need to guide you through rehabilitation before you attempt anything like this."

Despite their pleas, Y/N pushed against his weakened state, attempting to stand, only to be gently but firmly eased back onto the bed by the collective effort of the doctors and nurses.

Kaede couldn't hide his surprise. "At least we know he isn't paralyzed..." he muttered.

After more than two years in a coma, Y/N's once muscular and robust physique had inevitably suffered. Though still retaining traces of its former strength, his body was markedly thinner, the muscles atrophied from prolonged inactivity. The skin was pallid, lacking the vibrancy of health, and his movements were weak and uncoordinated.

"We're here to help you," Dr. Fujikawa assured Y/N, "But you must cooperate with us. We'll help you regain your strength and health, but it will be a gradual process."

Y/N's voice was a slow whisper, "Who are you?"

"I'm Dr. Fujikawa Hideo, and you're in our care at Nagasaki Hospital. This is Ayame, Kaede, and Junichi, among others who have been part of your medical team." He gestured to each team member, who nodded or offered a brief greeting.

"You've been in a coma for over two years following a landslide. Your injuries were severe, and honestly, your survival and awakening are miraculous," Dr. Fujikawa explained, maintaining eye contact with Y/N.

"Two years?"

Dr. Fujikawa nodded solemnly. "Yes, two years. Many doubted you'd ever wake up."

Y/N's gaze sharpened. "Weapons... books..."

"Your belongings, including your books, are safe," Dr. Fujikawa told him. "As for your weapons, they're secure. But you're not in any condition to wield them right now."

Y/N's attention shifted to his wet lap, "I have to go."

"W—wait, you can't get up yet," one of the nurses protested.

But Y/N attempted it anyway. Pushing against the bed, he unsteadily rose to his feet. The room went still, the team in collective shock. Despite their expectations, Y/N was standing.

His first step was unsteady, and he crumbled to his knees, the team rushing to assist him. Junichi and Kaede both strong men, struggled to support Y/N's weight as they helped him back onto the bed.

"Let's take this slowly," Dr. Fujikawa said, "You've been immobile for a long time. Your muscles have atrophied, and your body needs time to regain strength."

But the details were foggy, disjointed. He remembered a name, Kanae but the continuity of their life together was blurred. Was she alive? Were they estranged?

"Kanae..." he murmured, His thoughts turned to Raijin a crucial link to his past life, now mysteriously absent too.

"Please assist Shinazugawa-san with a bath," Dr. Fujikawa instructed the team, his gaze over them with a warning, mindful of the earlier inappropriate curiosity about Y/N's physique.

The men brought in a stretcher with wheels, preparing to transport Y/N to a more private area for his bath.

Y/N barely registered the activity around him. He offered no resistance as he was transferred to the stretcher, his mind a tumult of half-remembered faces, battles, and a sense of dislocation.

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