Chapter XLVII

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In the Entertainment District, Gyutaro's life was a never-ending struggle for survival. Born into poverty, in his early days his mother's cruel attempts to end his life even before he was born, driven by desperation and the inability to feed another mouth.

In the darkest corners of Gyutaro's memories, the nights spent with his mother were the worst.

 From a very young age, Gyutaro experienced the harsh reality of a mother who not only lacked love for her child but actively wanted to end his life.

On one such night, Gyutaro lay curled in a corner of their disgusting room, his eyes wide with fear as he watched his mother approach.

Her steps were unsteady, fueled by a mix of intoxication and deep-seated hatred. In her hand, she clutched a ragged piece of cloth, her intentions clear and terrifying.

"Monster," she slurred. "You should've never been born."

Too scared to move, Gyutaro could only watch in silent terror. He didn't understand why she hated him so, why she looked at him as if he were the embodiment of all her miseries.

His mother loomed over him, her shadow casting a silhouette. "I should've gotten rid of you when I had the chance," she hissed, reaching down to grab him.

Gyutaro flinched, expecting pain, but instead, she pressed the cloth against his face, attempting to smother him. His little hands clawed at the fabric, desperate for air, his mind reeling with panic and confusion. 

Why did she want to hurt him? What had he done? Was she angry because he ate a rat and didn't share it with her?


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But as the years passed and the attempts on his life continued, Gyutaro grew numb to the pain and the fear. The constant berating, the physical assaults – they became a part of his existence, a  reality he accepted. The world's cruelty, it seemed, was his and his alone to bear.

Each day with his mother was a test of survival. He learned to anticipate her moods, to stay out of her way when she was in one of her darker moods. The moments of rest were few and far between, and Gyutaro often wished for a way out, for a life where he wasn't constantly reminded of his disgusting existence.

Gyutaro flinched with each word, the insults slicing through his already fragile self-esteem. He tried to make sense of her words, tried to understand why he was the target of such hatred. But the more he thought about it, the more it hurt.

In his mother's eyes, he was a mistake, an unwanted burden. And though he didn't understand why, Gyutaro couldn't help but internalize her hatred. In the depths of his young, troubled heart, a seed of self-loathing took root, watered by the incessant cruelty of the one person who was supposed to love and protect him.

Despite her efforts, she ultimately succumbed to syphilis, leaving Gyutaro to fend for himself in a merciless world. 


Gyutaro's life took a turn when his sister Ume was born... a rather horrible name but Gyutaro didn't care, he loved her, despite their circumstances, she became a beacon of hope in his world. He found a sense of purpose in protecting her, a feeling akin to pride that he had never known before. He took on the role of a "collector," navigating the cruel streets of the district to ensure her well-being.

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