Chapter XC

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We back to what is the chapter that has made me cry the most (and that's saying a lot)  this one took 5 days.


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In the engawa of Oyakata-sama, tension hung like a thick fog as the Hashira gathered,

The abrupt arrival of Shinobu, breathless and eyes alight in hope and fear, shattered the tense silence. "Y/N is coming!" she exclaimed, clutching a piece of paper so tightly her knuckles turned white.

Shock passed through the gathered Hashira, her words landing like a stone in still water.

Sanemi was the first to react, "I'm going to search for him th—"

But Amane interrupted, "No, no one will move."

Iguro couldn't hide the edge in his voice. "Why not?"

Amane sighed deeply. "Kibutsuji is preparing his last assault on the Slayer Corps. To end us, once and for all. We need to stay united," she explained.

"But my brother—" Sanemi began, his voice a dangerous growl.

"Kagaya-sama saw him arriving safely. We must trust his vision and not alter the path he saw,"

The revelation that Oyakata-sama had a premonition and kept it to himself stirred emotions. Sanemi's features tightened. "He knew, and he didn't say anything?"

Their glares were sharp, directed at Amane, "He saw it just a day ago. And what he saw is... difficult. Our best option is to adhere to his guidance and continue our training. By sunset, everyone must be here, no exceptions."

Shinobu couldn't mask her annoyance. "But he needs us," she countered with anger.

"And Oyakata-sama needs us to end this nightmare," Amane replied, her tone resolute yet with sorrow. "If you disobey, we all risk death."

The Hashira, bound by duty yet torn by personal ties, exchanged looks.



At the estate's entrance a powder keg ready to ignite. Shinobu with anger barely contained, found herself facing a determined brigade. Yuichiro, Inosuke, Kanao, Genya, and even Hachiman were ready to go find him, Sumi, Naho, Kiyo, and Aoi, stood in nearby.

Aoi stepped forward. "Well?" she asked.

"No one leaves the estate," Shinobu declared.

A collective gasp went through the group, disbelief and confusion intermingling with frustration. It was Kanao who found her voice. "But nii-san needs us," she protested, her loyalty to Y/N clashing with her respect for Shinobu.

 "Y/N will be fine. He will return by Oyakata-sama's directive. No one leaves the estate. I mean it." Her voice hardened, emphasizing the of her statement. "He saw it in his visions. If you leave, you might doom us all."

"Who cares what a sick man thinks he saw! The God of War needs us!"

Shinobu's reply was ice, "I've already said, no one leaves. Go back to the estate." Her gaze then softened slightly, "And who is taking care of Shizu?"

"She's sleeping with Kanae nee-san," Kanao informed.

With a heavy sigh, Shinobu motioned with her head for them to return, her command unspoken yet clear. Reluctantly the group turned, their minds conflicted as they retraced their steps back to the estate.

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