Chapter LVII

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Y/N's POV.

Yoriichi's expression was one of profound sadness as he gazed down at Y/N. "So, you are at risk of becoming one of them... a demon," he said, his voice heavy with sorrow.

Y/N nodded, a grimace on his face. "Yeah, that's why I haven't been able to visit you in these dreams for months. I can barely sleep anymore, let alone dream," he confessed.

They stood outside Yoriichi's home, but the sky above them was overcast. Yoriichi looked up at the gloomy sky and then back at Y/N, "How did you manage to come here now?" he inquired.

A wry grin crossed Y/N's face, though it was devoid of any real humor. "I drugged myself," he admitted, his tone matter-of-fact.

Yoriichi's eyes widened in shock. "What did you say?" he asked.

Y/N looked down, almost ashamed. "I borrowed some medicine from the infirmary... Took a big dose of morphine and opium..." he explained.

Yoriichi was appalled. "Y/N-san, do you realize what you've done? You could be on the brink of death at this very moment in the real world! You need to return immediately!" he urged.

Y/N was taken aback by Yoriichi's reaction. "I... I thought I had calculated the dosage correctly," he said, his confidence faltering.

"This is not a matter of calculation, Y/N-san. You've put yourself in danger. You must wake up now and seek help," he insisted, his tone firm yet filled with a deep concern for Y/N's well-being.

Yoriichi's grip on Y/N's shoulders tightened, "Y/N, listen to me," he said firmly.

Y/N remained immobile, his gaze distant and pained. "I... I don't know if I want to leave," he admitted.

"You must stop this. You need to leave now."

Shaking his head, Y/N's eye darkened. "I'm turning into that thing, Yoriichi-san. The thoughts... they're getting worse. It's becoming harder to pretend nothing's wrong," he confessed.

Releasing Y/N's shoulders, Yoriichi stepped back.

"I can feel Kibutsuji's presence in me," Y/N continued, "Dark, horrible thoughts of hurting everyone... in the most disgusting ways. I just... I just want it all to end."

Yoriichi's face, usually so composed and serene, was now folled with pain. "Y/N-san," he said softly, reaching out again but stopping short, "You must fight this. Giving in is not an option. You have people who care for you, who depend on you. You cannot let these dark thoughts win."

"I'm trying, Yoriichi-san... I'm trying so hard...I... I defeated Upper Moon Six."

Yoriichi's expression softened as he listened, a sad smile touching his lips. "Only Upper Moon Six?" he remarked gently.

Despite the melancholy that clung to him, Y/N managed a genuine smile. "Yeah and... there's someone I care about... romantically," he admitted with a bittersweet note.

Yoriichi's eyes widened slightly in genuine surprise. "You do? That's... unexpected. It took you long enough. Who might it be? A girl... or perhaps a boy?" he inquired, his tone free of any judgment, only curiosity.

"I'll let you guess," Y/N responded with a small chuckle, knowing Yoriichi was aware of his friends and comrades.

Yoriichi pondered for a moment before venturing a guess. "Could it be Obanai-san?"

Y/N laughed lightly. "Nope, not my type. He's even more cynical than me, though he's a great friend."

"Mitsuri-san, then?" Yoriichi guessed again.

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