Chapter XXXIII

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Murata was visibly struggling to convince the townspeople to evacuate, his words falling on skeptical ears. "Please, you need to leave this area," he implored, his voice tinged with urgency, yet the crowd before him remained unmoved, their expressions irritation and disbelief.

"Why should we leave just because some kid says so?" one man challenged, his tone dismissive.

"Yeah, there's no danger here," another added, a chorus of agreement rising from the crowd.

Y/N still haunted by the terror of facing Akaza, arrived at the scene, his face pale and his body trembling. "Murata-san?" Murata turned in surprise seeing Y/N's distressed state.

Gathering what little composure he had, Y/N addressed the crowd, his voice cracking but firm. "You need to leave, now. Or you're all going to die," he declared, his words cutting through the murmurs of the crowd, silencing them.

Masao Kanroji, recognizing Y/N from the ramen shop, stepped forward. "Shinazugawa-san, what do you mean?" he asked, a frown creasing his brow.

"There's a demon here," Y/N explained, his words heavy with dread. "And it's not just any demon—it's incredibly powerful."

Skepticism spread through the crowd like wildfire. "Demons? They're just old men's tales!" someone scoffed.

Frustration mounting, Y/N snapped, "Then stay! But know this—this demon will destroy everything and feast on everyone here."

Realizing his outburst, Y/N softened his approach, pleading with them. "Please, just leave and don't come back until dawn. It's for your own safety."

The crowd exchanged uncertain glances, their skepticism giving way to concern. Kenta, the sumo wrestler Y/N had met earlier, stepped up, nodding in agreement. "Fine, we'll leave. We trust you, Shinazugawa-san," he announced, urging his students and other onlookers to follow suit.

Reluctantly, Masao agreed, telling his family, including Mitsuri, to pack up quickly whatever they could. Gradually, the townspeople began to move. As they dispersed, a heavy silence fell over the area, punctuated only by the distant sounds of battle.

Murata was concerned. "Shinazugawa—" he started, but Y/N cut him off, his voice strained but resolute.

"We need to go with them... to protect them," Y/N insisted, his eyes darting nervously in the direction of the ongoing battle. While he genuinely wanted to ensure the townspeople's safety, a part of him was also desperate to distance himself from the Upper Moon demon.

 "But what happened?" Murata asked.

Y/N's response was blunt and chilling. "An Upper Moon showed up."  Murata's face paled at the mention of an Upper Moon.

"Shinazugawa-sama.. what about Rengoku-san?"

As Murata processed this revelation, Y/N's mind was assaulted by a mocking voice, taunting him for his desire to flee. "Yes, Y/N, what about Rengoku? Are you going to sacrifice him?

Y/N struggled and replied with a heavy heart, "It's what Kyojuro-san would have wanted... to prioritize the people." His words were meant to reassure both Murata and himself, but they sounded hollow, even to his own ears.

Murata couldn't contest Y/N's decision, given his higher rank. They turned their attention to the gathering townspeople, some clutching belongings, others empty-handed.

Together, they began organizing the evacuation, guiding the people out. Y/N's gaze involuntarily drifted back to where the sounds of combat echoed, a mixture of clashing steel and roars filling the air.

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