Chapter XL

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Y/N was mid-pose when the knock came. He was practicing a particularly challenging flexibility exercise, one that demanded both strength and an almost inhuman range of motion. As he twisted his body,.his torso was bent backward in an arch, one leg stretched out in front while the other extended behind him, almost touching the back of his head. His arms, in a position that showcased his flexibility, reached toward the leg behind him, completing the posture

When Kanae walked in, she paused, taken aback by the sight. Y/N, realizing he was not in a typical position, quickly straightened up, standing in his simple shirt and pants. "Yes, Kocho-san?" he asked, a bit flustered.

Kanae momentarily at a loss for words, finally managed, "What was that?"

"Flexibility," Y/N replied with a hint of playfulness. "Jealous of my flexibility, Kocho-san?"

Kanae recovered from her initial surprise and responded with a light-hearted tone, "I could certainly learn, especially if you're teaching." She shook her head, laughing softly, then got to the point of her visit. "Since you're available and healing well, I was wondering if you'd like to join me for a recreational activity before your rehabilitation sessions continue, or before anyone else comes to claim your time?"

Y/N smiled at the idea of spending more time with Kanae. Her coddling, which he'd experienced during his recovery, was something he found surprisingly comforting, though he'd never admit it outright.

"Sure, Kocho-san," he replied, his tone warm and inviting. "I'd be glad to join you. What did you have in mind?"

"I'll show you, aren't you going to change first?" Kanae playfully commented on Y/N's attire, pointing out his patient clothes.

Y/N found them comfortable despite their simplicity so he shrugged off the suggestion to change.

Kanae merely smiled and motioned for him to follow her outside.

Once they were in the garden, Kanae turned to Y/N with a task. "I'd like you to collect the prettiest flowers you can find and bring them to me," she said with a bright smile.

Y/N furrowed his brows. "What for?" he asked.

Kanae hushed him gently. "Just trust me on this. It's for ikebana, the art of flower arranging. We choose flowers that appeal to us, then arrange them in a way that reflects our emotions and thoughts. It's quite relaxing and creative."

Y/N began his task. He strolled through the garden, his eyes scanning the array of flowers. He selected a delicate Ume blossom. Next, he chose some vibrant Tsubaki flowers. A few sprigs of Sazanka caught his eye too.

Returning to Kanae with his selection, Y/N presented the flowers with a sense of accomplishment. Kanae's eyes lit up at the sight, her smile widening. "These are beautiful, Shinazugawa-kun. Let's see what we can create with these," she said enthusiastically.

Together, they set about arranging the flowers, Kanae guiding Y/N through the process. 

As they sat cross-legged on the ground, Kanae began to explain the intricacies of ikebana. Her instructions were detailed and clear. "You want to consider the height and the direction of the flowers," she explained. "It's about creating harmony and balance, but also expressing something unique."

Y/N tried to follow her guidance but was struggling with the delicate process. Each time he faltered, Kanae chuckled softly and corrected him, her fingers rearranging the blooms. "No, Shinazugawa-kun, the Ume blossom should be a bit higher. Try to create a natural flow with the Tsubaki," she advised gently.

Looking up at her, Y/N was struck by her knowledge. "You're skilled at so many things, aren't you? Medicine, cooking, swordsmanship, meditation, and now flower arranging," he complimented.

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