Q&A 100k reads

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I'm late to the party I know, 110k reads and still growing! I wanted to reach last chapter first, it's wild we got to so many reads in 4 and a half months (Yeah I know it's 5 months now but when this story got 100k reads it was two weeks ago), and this is amazing! I never thought I'd get so much love, comments and inspiration to reach this, rest assured this story will have its ending, we've come to far to drop it now.

We're sitting at nearly 600k words! And yes, Kanae and Y/N are finally getting their moment. Honestly, I've been writing just to get to the good stuff. Can you blame me? I mean, we couldn't just have them jump into bed in Chapter 14 after only a few chapters of knowing each other – where's the fun in that?

I've gotta spill the beans: the ending has been decided! And guess what? There might even be alternate endings. 

There have been burnouts, and stress about how to write certain chapters, and I've done so much research on real-life stuff for this story that I might be on some government watch lists. But you know what? It's all been worth it. 

Your praises and comments? They're fuel. They keep me going, even when I feel like I've hit a wall.

You know, it took me about 35 chapters of writing when we got to Y/N and Akaza throwing hands to realize, "Damn, I just wrote that!" And that, believe it or not, was when I committed to seeing this story through to the end, following the manga events and all. Before that? I was seriously considering wrapping it up early. But how could I, with such interesting developments unfolding?

This story has been more than just self-indulgent stuff lmao; it's been therapeutic. I've gone deep into philosophy, life, existentialism, and psychological and emotional themes. It's been intense, but incredibly rewarding. And if any of you out there are having a rough day, remember I'm here, reading every comment, and each one brings a smile to my face. I hope my writing can do the same for you (even if I'm making you cry with all the angst, lol).

A lot of my inspiration comes from my favorite media – that's probably why things get so wild in the story!

To those lovely souls who worry about me – don't. I'm doing just fine. Ironically, the stress and burnout from grinding out those chapters can't beat the dopamine rush I get from your comments. And every time I see new notifications? Man, it's like Christmas morning!

With all that said.

 here's your chance to ask ANYTHING. And I mean anything. You got a burning question that's been keeping you up at night? Spill it. Want to know why Y/N's pants are always so damn tight? (Fuck that perverted kakushi guy) Go ahead. 

Here's how to do it:

1. Questions for Me (The Almighty Author): make your question ". Example: "- how do you come up with such twisted stuff? Do you need a hug or a therapist?" Write your questions to me...


2.  Questions for the Characters: Want to poke around in the minds of our beloved characters? Make your question with the character's name. Example: "Kanae, how do you put up with Y/N's nonsense? Blink twice if you need help." Write your questions to characters...


So unleash your curiosity, your weirdness, your deepest, darkest, or even most simple questions. Just remember, you asked for it!

Let the chaos begin!

ANYWAYS, I'm really looking forward to your questions – seriously, ask away! There's no limit, so hit me with your best shots. I might just cry if you don't (kidding, not kidding).

I'm gonna let this one run for a few days to gather more questions. so expect the replies maybe after this arc is done.

(I had to change a lot of stuff for this arc because quite frankly I wanna get to the manga already lmao)

See you soon, and keep being awesome!

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