Thoughts and Questions III

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Okay first things first let me reply to the few questions I saw on Q&A.

MYUONE asks 【 to all in the cast, without y/n 】How do you see the reader (Y/n)? And Why?

Giyu rubs the back of his neck awkwardly and looks off to the side. "Y/N? He's... Well, he's more than just a friend... I have these thoughts...  about him. I care for him, a lot. He's my best friend,... and the only family I have left." He seems embarrassed, almost as if he's admitted more than he intended.

 Gyomei's tone is warm and respectful as he keeps praying. "Y/N is a sweet boy... he reminds me a lot of the children I looked after in my temple." He nods solemnly tears flowing through his eyes

 Rengoku's face lights up, and he chuckles. "Y/N, ah! His energy, the way he speaks, and the way he carries himself! He's amazing, you know? He has helped our family a lot" There's a spark in his eyes that suggests deep admiration.

Obanai's eyes flicker with a rare softness. "He is... efficient. And there's a certain... appeal in his fighting style. He's captivating, in a way... I still can't forget the hug... Don't tell him that, or I'll find a way to kill you." He quickly turns his gaze away, as if he's said too much.

Tengen leans in with a sly grin and lowers his voice. "Y/N's got this magnetism, hard to ignore. And the way he moves in battle... let's just say it's quite the sight, guy likes to play hard to get though, not just with my girls, but with everyone else... I wonder who will get to claim his heart...and body" He winks suggestively.

Sanemi scowls and shrugs. "Yeah, he's my brother, alright. Always getting attention, even when he doesn't try. Annoying, really, as annoying as he is I keep trying to get him to fuck off for his own good."

Kanae blushes slightly and her voice is soft. "There is something about him... It's hard to describe. He's kind, strong, and... well he is ... never mind! forget I said anything." She quickly busies herself with paperwork, perhaps to hide her flushed cheeks.

Gyoko and Hantengu shrug, finding nothing interesting beyond consuming Y/N.

 Daki smirks suggestively. "Oh, Y/N? He's quite the catch. Strong, handsome... I wouldn't mind having a bit of fun with him before turning him into one of us." Her brother, sharing her body just rolls his eyes at his little sister.

Doma is brushing the long hair of a human skull and turns around."Y/N-chan what a delightful boy! I can't wait to taste him. I've already reserved a special place for his head in my collection. It'll be a masterpiece!"

 Kokushibo's gaze is cold and dismissive. "Do not speak to me of that pretender. Any further mention of him will not be tolerated."

Muzan is confused at first then angry, "What are you doing here human, in my castle? And for that slayer, he is just a human, after all. His death is inevitable. He's nothing but a minor nuisance."


 Yushiro's face contorts with anger. "That man... if he dares upset Tamayo-sama again, I swear I'll—" He abruptly stops, his expression changing to one of composure as Tamayo enters the room.

Tamayo smiles as she continues writing. "Y/N is a great man. I sometimes find myself wishing... hoping that he might choose to become a demon... for the greater good, of course." Her gaze lingers a little too long.


Tanjiro's face brightens with a genuine smile. "Y/N-san? He's amazing He is like family to us/"

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