Chapter XXX

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Several days after the playful and somewhat intense exchange with Tengen and his wives, Y/N found himself absorbed in a book. His peace was interrupted by a knock on the door, and in strode Iguro, Kaburamaru coiled around his shoulders like a living scarf.

Y/N looked up and greeted him with a smile. "Iguro-san."

The shorter slayer's gaze was sharp, his brows furrowing in a characteristic glare. "Kanoe," he addressed Y/N by his rank. His eyes narrowed even further. "Why aren't you on a mission? I heard it's been weeks."

Y/N set his book aside "I was ordered to rest by Ubuyashiki-sama". Iguro listened, his expression unreadable.

"You should be fighting until you die," Iguro retorted sharply, almost as an order. "Rest is for the weak."

Despite the harsh words, Y/N's attention was drawn to the books Iguro carried. They seemed out of place with the image of the strict and unforgiving slayer.

Y/N felt there was more behind Iguro's visit. They'd exchanged letters, discussed literature, and shared pieces of their day through words on paper. To Y/N, despite Iguro's abrasive exterior, there was a connection there—a friendship, even if Iguro would never name it as such.

"These are haiku and senryu books," Iguro said, almost begrudgingly, as if admitting to a guilty pleasure. "I thought... well, you might find them interesting."

Y/N's eyes lit up. "Would you like to read them together?" he asked, the warmth in his voice cutting through the coldness of Iguro's demeanor.

Iguro looked taken aback, his usual stoic facade slipping for a moment before Kaburamaru hissed, bringing him back to his senses. "Fine," Iguro grunted. "But don't be annoying about it."

Y/N chuckled, unbothered by the rebuff. "Of course not, Iguro-san. Just two slayers appreciating the finer things in life right?"

Together, they began to go through the pages, their eyes scanning the words of the poets. Iguro's voice, when he read, was clear and surprisingly gentle, not like his usual tone. Y/N listened.

Y/N flipped through the pages, stopping at a senryu that he liked. He cleared his throat and read aloud:

"In the stillness,

A lone tree stands steadfast—

Shielding all from the storm."

Iguro listened. Then, in typical fashion, he launched into an eloquent comment. "It's naive," he said bluntly. "One tree cannot hope to withstand a storm. It's an idealistic fantasy."

Y/N just smiled, unperturbed. "Perhaps," he conceded. "But it's a nice thought, isn't it? The idea of being strong enough to protect those around you?"

Iguro snorted but said nothing more. Y/N's amusement grew; clearly, Iguro was engaged, otherwise why would he bother with such reply?

Y/N nudged the book towards Iguro. "Your turn. What's your favorite?"

Iguro hesitated for a moment before flipping to a page, his finger tracing the lines of a senryu that Y/N certainly hadn't expected from him. As Iguro repeated the words, Y/N listened.

"Unseen, the roots

Support the mightiest oak—

Quiet strength endures."

Y/N blinked, the meaning of the poem lost on him for a moment. "I don't get it. Why would the roots be mightier than the tree itself?"

Iguro's exasperation was almost funny. "Idiot," he said with a scowl. "The tree, no matter how mighty, relies on its roots to survive. They're unseen, but without them, it would fall. It's the foundation that allows for strength."

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