Chapter LXVII

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A month had passed since Y/N had started attending the rehabilitation sessions made by Kanae and the kakushi medic unit. These sessions were designed to address both his physical and psychological well-being, involving a variety of exercises, counseling, and medical evaluations.

 Kanae alongside the kakushi, had put together a comprehensive program, including breathing exercises for stress management, physical therapy to counteract the effects of his alcohol and sugar consumption, and dialogue sessions aimed at uncovering and addressing the root causes of his depression and dependency.

Despite the genuine effort and care put into these sessions by Kanae and the team, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that they were futile.

He went through the motions, participating in the exercises, sharing during the discussions, and even showing signs of engagement. However internally, he felt unchanged, harboring a skepticism that any of this could truly make a difference in his state. Nonetheless, he didn't express these doubts to Kanae or anyone else involved. Pretending to make progress seemed to make them happy, and in a way, it was easier than admitting his stagnation.

Now alone in his house save for occasional visits from Raijin, Y/N would often be reflecting on the current state of his life. Raijin would come by, bringing letters from the hashira, to which Y/N would write back, maintaining a semblance of connection with them.

Shinobu had stopped coming altogether, and her letters, once a regular occurrence, had ceased. Kanae's letters continued to arrive, each one mentioning Shinobu sending her regards. Whether this was true, Y/N couldn't be sure, and he couldn't blame Shinobu for keeping her distance, considering everything that had happened.

The silence of his home, the rehabilitation sessions, the letters, the brief interactions with Raijin—all felt like pieces of a life he was observing from the outside, unable to fully engage with. The progress everyone hoped for him felt like a distant dream, one that he was beginning to fear he might never reach.

Y/N prepared to write back to Tomioka Giyu. His friend's concern had been clear in the letter, right down to the inclusion of a map highlighting where Y/N could buy healthier food. Giyu had always been a man of few words, but his actions spoke volumes.


Dear Giyu,

Thank you for your letter and the map. It's thoughtful of you to worry about my food habits. I'll make sure to check out the places you've recommended. Your concern means a lot to me, more than I can properly express in words.

I wish I could tell you that things are getting better, that the sessions are making a difference, and that I'm on the path to recovery. But the truth is, I'm struggling. Every day is a battle, and though I'm fighting, it feels like I'm standing still.

I appreciate your support, Giyu. Knowing I have you gives me a bit of hope. Hopefully we can catch up soon, in person. I miss our conversations.

Take care,



Once he had sealed the letter to Giyu, Y/N prepared to write another, this time to Kyojuro


Hey Kyojuro,

Hope you and your family are well... Been busy here. We should catch up soon, maybe get in some sparring – it's been too long.

Take care, say hello to your father and little brother for me.



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