Chapter XXXIV

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Mitsuri's POV

Mitsuri walked alongside her family. She glanced back towards the town, her thoughts lingering on the battle she had witnessed. The sight of Shinazugawa-san and the other slayers engaging in such a life-threatening fight against the demon had left her both awestruck and deeply troubled.

Her mother, noticing Mitsuri's distracted state, gently squeezed her hand. "Mitsuri, you need to keep moving. It's not safe here," she said softly.

Mitsuri nodded, but her gaze remained fixed on the direction of the fight. "Mom, why... why do people think it's strange for a girl to be strong?" she asked.

Her mother sighed a look of understanding in her eyes. "It's just the way things are, dear. But it doesn't mean it's right. You should be proud of your strength. It's a part of who you are, we have told you many times how blessed and happy we are for being the way you are."

"But they all look at me like I'm some kind of monster," Mitsuri muttered, feeling a mix of anger and sadness. "Just because I'm not like other girls..."

"Mitsuri, strength is a gift," her mother said firmly. "And one day, you'll find a place where it's valued. Don't let anyone make you feel less for being who you are."

Mitsuri's thoughts drifted back to Shinazugawa-san. He had not only acknowledged her strength but had also seemed impressed by it. It was a unique moment of validation that she cherished deeply.

Just then, her younger brother Daichi tugged at her sleeve. "Nee-san, are those boys going to be okay? The ones fighting that pink-haired boy?"

Mitsuri hesitated, her eyes still fixed on the distant town. "I... I hope so, Daichi. They're very brave."

Her father, who had been quietly leading the way, turned to look at them. "Let's focus on getting to out of here first. We can worry about them later. They're doing their job to protect us and they will be fine."

 Despite being barely 13 years old, Mitsuri's thoughts were heavy with the weight of people's expectations and the unfair standards placed on her strength. She was a girl with remarkable physical prowess, a trait that often brought her admiration from her loving family but skepticism and fear from others in her town.

Mitsuri's father, a man of significant strength himself, walked ahead, leading his two younger sons. Mitsuri often pondered her place in a world where a woman's strength wasn't celebrated like a man's.

 She had always felt out of place, even in the sumo dojo, where her strength had accidentally injured a... boy. Since then, she had sensed a mix of fear and disdain from those around her, which only deepened her feelings of isolation.

Lost in her thoughts, Mitsuri barely registered the abrupt stop her mother made. Looking up, she saw a sword plummet from the sky, landing in the dirt right in front of her. It was unmistakably Shinazugawa-san's sword. Her heart raced at the sight of it. Why was it here? What did this mean for Shinazugawa-san and the battle he was fighting?

The townspeople around them murmured in confusion and fear, but Mitsuri stood frozen, staring at the sword. Her mother's voice broke through her thoughts again. "Mitsuri, we need to go now," she said, more urgently this time.

 But Mitsuri's eyes remained fixed on the sword,  she grasped Shinazugawa-san's sword firmly. Despite its surprising weight, it felt almost natural in her hands.

 The whispers of the boys in her town echoed in her mind — mocking her for being all brawn and no brains. But holding the sword, she felt a sense of purpose that went beyond those petty insults.

With a confident  smile, Mitsuri turned to her parents, "I need to return the sword to Shinazugawa-san!" They hesitated, their faces etched with concern, but she was already sprinting back towards the town, her decision made.

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