Chapter XCIX

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The Hashira regrouped, barely managing to avoid Muzan's attacks. They needed a plan but every time they thought they had an opening, Muzan's speed and power surprised them.

Obanai was the first to hit, sliding through with serpent-like agility. He crouched down, skillfully evading the sharp swings of Muzan's arms. "Serpent Breathing, Third Form: Coil Choke!" Obanai shouted, his blade wrapping around Muzan's neck in a fluid motion. But Muzan's neck regenerated instantly, the wounds closing almost as quickly as they opened.

Mitsuri charged next, her whip-like blade swinging with power and grace. "Love Breathing, Second Form: Love Pangs!" She delivered a barrage of strikes, each aimed at Muzan's critical points. Despite her efforts, every cut healed, leaving not a single mark on Muzan's skin.

Gyomei saw through Muzan's tricks. He knew the Demon King's regenerative abilities were far beyond anything they had seen before. He swung his massive flail, aiming to break Muzan's defenses with raw force. The impact sent shockwaves through the ground, but Muzan dodged, his movements unnaturally quick. Gyomei gritted his teeth, "This isn't working! He's regenerating too fast!"

Mitsuri was perplexed. "Why can't we hurt him? Are our attacks too weak?" She couldn't understand why Muzan wasn't going down. Every time she struck, it was like hitting nothing.

Obanai scowled, "We're cutting him, but he's regenerating! We need to find a way to slow him down!"

Muzan saw their confusion and took the opportunity to move. His bladed arms extended, slashing toward the Hashira.

As Muzan was about to deliver an attack, some lower-ranking Demon Slayers hurried to defend the Hashira. They threw themselves at Muzan, their swords raised in desperate attempts to slow him down. Muzan's bladed arms cut through them without hesitation, but their sacrifice bought the Hashira precious seconds.

"Get back!" Gyomei ordered to the lower-ranked Slayers, knowing they had little chance against Muzan's power. But they refused to retreat, giving the Hashira a brief moment to regroup.

Muzan aimed his bladed arms slicing through the brave Slayers who dared to stand in his way. Each sacrifice slowed him down, giving the Hashira a chance to breathe. But the cost was high, with bodies falling to the ground, their blood staining the battlefield.

The Hashira couldn't afford to waste the opportunity given to them by the fallen Demon Slayers. Gyomei, Mitsuri,  Obanai and Tengen knew they had to act quickly before Muzan's fury turned back on them. They had to find a way to weaken him, to give Tanjiro and the others a chance to land a decisive blow.

Gyomei's voice boomed, "We can't let their sacrifice be in vain! Hit him with everything you've got!"


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Y/N's mind clouded with confusion and his senses overwhelmed, lashed out at anything that came near him. He didn't understand why he was surrounded by enemies, why these people kept trying to grab him or attack him. He felt desperate to push away the loud voices and disorienting sounds.

Kanae tried to reach out to him, her voice pleading, but Y/N's instincts told him to defend himself. The softness of her voice made him hesitate, but only for a moment. When she hugged him from behind, he flung her off with a violent move, sending her crashing into the ground. The impact cracked her ribs furthe. She groaned, struggling to get back up, tears streaming down her cheeks.

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