Chapter XIII

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The forest was surrounded by towering trees, there, Y/N squatted beneath an enormous tree trunk, his muscles trembling as he struggled to maintain his stance. Drops of sweat trickled down his furrowed brow. Before him stood Sabito, offering his unconditional support.

"You've got this, Y/N! This time, you'll do it!" A bright smile adorned his face as he encouraged Y/N.

Gritting his teeth, Y/N summoned every ounce of strength. He had faced demons, survived near-death encounters, and endured grueling training, but it was the massive tree trunk he attempted to lift was demanding everything of him.

With a deep breath, Y/N steadied himself. Thunder Breathing coursed through his veins, granting him the strength to hoist the colossal burden on his shoulders. The air crackled with the energy of his technique, and the tree trunk lifted inch by inch.

The strain was evident on Y/N's face as he fought against the immense weight, his muscles quivering with exertion. Sabito's words of encouragement echoed in his ears, fueling his motivation.

For moments that felt like an eternity, Y/N battled his own limitations but he refused to yield.

As Y/N strained to complete one squat with the colossal tree trunk on his shoulders, his body screamed in protest. Beads of sweat soaked his brow, and his heart pounded hard, he felt a bit dizzy and his stomach churning.

Positioned behind Y/N was Tomioka, his eyes fixed on Y/N's every move. In a hushed voice, he offered, "I can help you now," He whispered to his ear.

He shook his head firmly. He couldn't accept assistance; not now, not when he was so close.

Sabito shared Tomioka's words, worry etching lines on his face. He too urged Y/N to pause for the moment, his voice with genuine concern. "Y/N, please, take a break. There's no shame in it."

But Y/N's face flushed red, and his muscles trembled with the effort, and he couldn't allow himself to falter now. The veins on his forehead pulsed, and his legs were shaking as he strained to stand up once more.

It was a good effort, but the weight of the tree trunk proved too much.

With a gut-wrenching crash, it fell from his shoulders.

Horror gripped both Tomioka and Sabito as they rushed to Y/N's side, immediately removing the fallen trunk from his back.

Y/N lay on the forest floor, breathing heavily, his back bruised. He pushed himself beyond his limits, and it resulted in a harsh reality check.

Sabito couldn't help but shake his head in exasperation, his usually cheerful demeanor replaced by a stern expression. "You're an absolute idiot, Y/N! You almost got yourself crushed," he scolded, his voice tinged with frustration

Y/N grumbled in response, his stubbornness showing through. "I was close to squatting it," he mumbled, his pride still intact despite his recent setback

Tomioka, the more reserved of the two, joined in with his gentle and shy demeanor. "Perhaps it would be best for you to start with less weight," he suggested.

But Y/N brushed off their suggestions. Memories of his encounters with demons flashed before his eyes-the same demons that had claimed the lives of the Kocho sisters' parents.

He remembered the stomp counter he had pulled off in a moment of desperation.

"I can do it, I just need to focus more," Y/N said.

Sabito frowned, clearly unconvinced.

Y/N continued, explaining the fundamental differences between Thunder and Water Breathing techniques. "Thunder Breathing focuses more on the legs, while Water Breathing emphasizes flexibility and body bending. Water breathing won't help when I'm trying to lift who knows how much weight off my back," he reasoned. "I'm fine now, really, just a few bruises."

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